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孙晓霞, 谢响明, 吴玉英, 刘亚杰, 何晓青

孙晓霞, 谢响明, 吴玉英, 刘亚杰, 何晓青. 白色链霉菌产木聚糖酶规律及其耐热耐碱性的初步研究[J]. 北京林业大学学报, 2005, 27(3): 72-75.
引用本文: 孙晓霞, 谢响明, 吴玉英, 刘亚杰, 何晓青. 白色链霉菌产木聚糖酶规律及其耐热耐碱性的初步研究[J]. 北京林业大学学报, 2005, 27(3): 72-75.
SUN Xiao-xia, XIE Xiang-ming, WU Yu-ying, LIU Ya-jie, HE Xiao-qing. Induction of xylanase from Strepotmyces albus and analysis of thermostability and alkali-tolerance[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2005, 27(3): 72-75.
Citation: SUN Xiao-xia, XIE Xiang-ming, WU Yu-ying, LIU Ya-jie, HE Xiao-qing. Induction of xylanase from Strepotmyces albus and analysis of thermostability and alkali-tolerance[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2005, 27(3): 72-75.





    孙晓霞,硕士生.主要研究方向:微生物.电话:010-62391508 Email:sxx7@163.com 地址: 100083北京林业大学647信箱.


    谢响明,副教授.主要研究方向:微生物生物技术、林木分子生物学与基因工程.电话:010-62336016 Email:xiexiangm@bjfu.edu.cn 地址:100083 北京林业大学生物科学与技术学院.

  • 中图分类号: Q814;X793

Induction of xylanase from Strepotmyces albus and analysis of thermostability and alkali-tolerance

  • 摘要: 该文采用白色链霉菌为实验菌种,在不同诱导产酶培养基上经过240h的振荡培养,探索其产酶时程规律.结果表明,不同的诱导底物诱导产生的最大木聚糖酶活不等,其中木粉的诱导效果好于纯木聚糖,复合底物的诱导效果好于单一底物.该菌在筛选出的最佳诱导产酶培养基上培养144h后达到产酶高峰,粗酶液酶活可达到45.66U/mL.对该酶进行高温及碱性处理的结果表明,它具有较好的耐热耐碱性,在pH 7.0下反应表现最高活性,同时在90℃下保温30min后酶活残留达83.46%
    Abstract: Time course of xylanase' production was studied by culturing Strepotmyces albus in different substrates for 240 h. The results show that xylanase demonstrates different activities in different substrates. For induction of xylanase, wood powder is better than xylan, while a compound substrate is better than a single one. After Strepotmyces albus is cultured for 144 h in the optimal enzyme-induction medium, the production of xylanase culminates, with a maximum enzyme activity of 45.66 U/mL. The results show that the xylanase from Strepotmyces albus has the characteristics of both thermotolerance and alkali-tolerance, showing that 83.46% of its maximal activity remains after a treatment for 30 min at 90℃, and the highest activity in pH 7.0.
  • 期刊类型引用(4)

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    2. 田超,李学敏,龚习. 航天结构件焊接残余应力的无损检测方法. 科技风. 2015(21): 53-54 . 百度学术
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    4. 张亦良,刘金艳,徐学东. 不锈钢X射线应力测量. 北京工业大学学报. 2010(09): 1165-1173 . 百度学术


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  • 被引次数: 21
  • 收稿日期:  2004-05-16
  • 网络出版日期:  2024-05-10


