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常德龙, 宋湛谦, 黄文豪, 胡伟华, 李福海, 张全来

常德龙, 宋湛谦, 黄文豪, 胡伟华, 李福海, 张全来. 真菌对泡桐木材化学成分及其结构的影响[J]. 北京林业大学学报, 2006, 28(3): 145-149.
引用本文: 常德龙, 宋湛谦, 黄文豪, 胡伟华, 李福海, 张全来. 真菌对泡桐木材化学成分及其结构的影响[J]. 北京林业大学学报, 2006, 28(3): 145-149.
CHANG De-long, SONG Zhan-qian, HUANG Wen-hao, HU Wei-hua, LI Fu-hai, ZHANG Quan-lai. Impacts of fungi on chemical components and physical structure of Paulownia elongata wood[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2006, 28(3): 145-149.
Citation: CHANG De-long, SONG Zhan-qian, HUANG Wen-hao, HU Wei-hua, LI Fu-hai, ZHANG Quan-lai. Impacts of fungi on chemical components and physical structure of Paulownia elongata wood[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2006, 28(3): 145-149.





    常德龙,博士,副研究员.主要研究方向:木材功能改良.电话:0371-65833901 Email:chdelong@126.com 地址:450003 河南省郑州市纬五路3号国家林业局泡桐研究开发中心.


    宋湛谦, 院士, 博士生导师.主要研究方向:林产化学加工工程.电话:025-85482468 Email:zqsong@ public1.ptt.js.cn 地址:210042 南京中国林业科学研究院林产化学工业研究所.

  • 中图分类号: S781.41

Impacts of fungi on chemical components and physical structure of Paulownia elongata wood

  • 摘要: 为弄清真菌对变色泡桐木材成分与结构的影响, 更加有效防治泡桐木材变色, 该文对真菌引起的变色泡桐木材成分含量及其结构进行了研究.通过对变色前后泡桐木材化学成分分析及红外谱图 (FTIR) 和光电子能谱 (ESCA) 分析, 发现热水抽提物由5.01%增加到5.87%, 冷水抽提物由2.10%增加到3.47%, 1%NaOH抽提物由18.19%增加到20.48%, 木质素基本未变, 综纤维素由77.60%变为76.10%, 其中综纤维素中α--纤维素基本未变, 而戊聚糖由26.13%减小至22.75%, 半纤维素含量降低.FTIR表明, 与正常材相比, 变色泡桐木材的与羰基C=O振动相关的红外吸收谱峰1 744、1 734 cm-1有些减弱, 即具有羧基的半纤维素和少量纤维素发生变化;变色木材的木质素特征吸收谱峰1 5081、270、1 266 cm-1 (G型) 相对比较稳定, 即木质素变化不大;变色木材的具有多糖类特征吸收谱峰1 2001、1531、112 cm-1相对减弱, 即在变色菌作用下, 半纤维素发生较多的降解反应.ESCA分析结果为:正常材C1s峰面积为68.91%, 变色材增加为73.92%, 变色前后木材中C1含量变化较小 (15.11%~15.02%), C2与C3显著减少 (15.98%~>11.06%), 与正常材相比, 变色泡桐木材O1s/C1s的比值下降, 与FTIR和化学成分定量分析结果一致.
    Abstract: The objective of this study was to evaluate the impacts of fungi on components and structure of Paulownia elongata wood and to control wood stain more effectively.The chemical components and physical structure of P.elongata wood were studied using wood component analyses and infrared spectra of Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) and Electron Spectroscopy for Chemical Analysis (ESCA) for stained and unstained wood.Comparing stained to unstained wood, hot water extracts increased from 5.01% to 5.87%, cold water extracts from 2.10% to 3.47%, and 1% NaOH extracts increased from 18.19% to 20.48%.Lignin was maintained at almost the same level, while holocellulose decreased from 77.60% to 76.10%, but alpha-cellulose in the holocellulose remained roughly at the same level.Pentosan decreased from 26.13% to 22.75%, suggesting that semi-cellulose decreased.Infrared spectra of FTIR showed that the intensity of 1 744 and 1 734 cm-1 became weak compared with stained P.elongata wood with CK;these two peaks were related to the absorption of C=O vibration, which implied that changes of some semi-cellulose and a small amount of cellulose took place.The intensity of lignin characteristic absorption peaks of 1 508, 1 270 and 1 266 cm-1 (G type) was relatively stable and only a little change occurred.The intensity of amylose characteristic absorption peaks of 1 200, 1 153 and 1 112 cm-1 decreased a little in stained P.elongata wood.It was concluded that semi-cellulose was degraded to some extent by fungi.ESCA showed that the C1s peak area of stained P.elongata wood increased from 68.91% to 73.92%, C1 changed slightly from 15.11% to 15.02%, C2 and C3 decreased obviously from 15.98% to 11.06%, and O1s/C1s decreased when compared to CK.The results of ESCA were consistent with FTIR and quantitative chemical component analyses.
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  • 收稿日期:  2005-10-09
  • 网络出版日期:  2024-05-14


