Morphological descriptions on immature stages of Porisaccus jiuhuaensis(Wu) and the origin of bag-like appendage(Homoptera:Pseudococcidae)
摘要: 该文首次描述和图示了九华囊粉蚧 (Porisaccus jiuhuaensis (Wu)) 的各龄幼期特征.基于足和漏斗状内陷从第一龄若虫至成虫的发展变化情形, 作者讨论了雌成虫体腹面的袋状附器的来源, 认为其乃后足退化变形之物.Abstract: In this paper, three immature stages of Porisaccus jiuhuaensis (Wu) were described and illustrated firstly and then, discussion on the origin of bag-like appendage on ventral surface of adult female showed that this bag-like appendage was vestige of the metathoracic legs based on degeneration of legs and absence of oval pore plate from the 1st instar nymph to adult female.
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