Effects of solid water and foliar fertilizer on afforestation survival and growth of seedlings in sand preventing and controlling
摘要: 为了寻找促进沙地植被恢复的新途径,提高防沙治沙造林效果,用固体水和叶面肥在毛乌素沙地和库布其沙漠同时进行试验研究.结果表明,使用1 kg固体水和用10 mg/kg叶面肥浸根24 h,都能不同程度地提高苗木的成活率和生长量.使用固体水苗木成活率平均提高10%,使用叶面肥浸根效果更明显,成活率平均提高18.2%,其中沙柳和杨柴在两个试验地的成活率均达到90%以上,且固体水和叶面肥浸根对沙柳的高生长和增加冠幅的作用具有显著或极显著效果,对生物量增加也有促进作用.Abstract: In order to promote afforestation in the sands and increase the effects of sand preventing and controlling,the application of a new drought resistant product-solid water and "Shifengle" foliar fertilizer was studied.Comparing the three treatments(solid water,foliar fertilizer and control),it was showed that both solid water and foliar fertilizer can increase afforestation survival.Afforestation survival may be increased by 10% with solid water and 18.2% with foliar fertilizer.Afforestation survival of Salix psammophila and Hedysarum mongolicum may reach more than 90%.In addition,they can improve the growth of height and the increase of crown and biomass of seedlings.
- solid water /
- foliar fertilizer /
- afforestation survival /
- biomass
1. 许曈,邵灵梅,王小斌,张润龙,张凯靖,夏宜平,张佳平,李丹青. 多年生单子叶植物的越冬休眠研究进展. 园艺学报. 2022(12): 2703-2721 . 百度学术
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