Morphological and histochemical studies on sex differentiation in Gymnocladus dioicus
摘要: 美国肥皂荚为雌雄异株单性花,在其性别分化的早期均经历由两性花向单性花转变的过程.该文以美国肥皂荚雌雄株上不同发育时期花蕾或花为试材,从实体解剖和组织细胞学角度对其性别分化过程进行了比较系统的研究.确定雌株上早期花蕾中的雄蕊是在花粉母细胞进行减数分裂时发生败育,该雄蕊花粉母细胞只进行核分裂而不进行胞质分裂并发育成具有四个核的原生质团后逐渐解体并伴随雄蕊败育.雄株上早期花蕾雌蕊是在胚珠大孢子母细胞发生时发育停滞,组织细胞逐渐退化、死亡,雌蕊萎缩、败育.该文同时应用组织化学染色方法,对正常及败育雄蕊的花药壁层及花药内细胞发育过程中多糖及蛋白质动态进行了观察,对其性别分化过程中雌、雄性器官选择性败育机制作了初步探讨.Abstract: Gymnocladus dioicus is a dioecious species with unisexual flowers.Its sex differentiation first undergoes a hermaphroditic stage,then develops to a male or female stage.Two types of flower buds in serial sizes were investigated.Based on the systematic studies on histological anatomy of the sex differentiation in G.dioicus, the authors identified the particular stages and types of the sexual organ differentiation during the sex differentiation.Results showed that the pollen abortion of female flowers occurred at the meiosis stage of microspore caused by the unnormal tetrads with uncomplete formation of cell plate.While the pistil of male flower began to reduce at the macrosporgenesis.Some histochemical techniques were also used to observe the starch grains and proteins accumulated in the process of wall layer ontogeny.The nature of the sex differentiation was discussed finally.