

    Comparative analysis of plant diversity of Pinus tabulaeformis forests in ten regions of Beijing mountainous areas

    • 摘要: 该文以1998—2003年的调查数据为基础,对比分析了北京山区10个不同区域油松林植物物种的相似性和多样性,并用MatLab软件分析了油松林植物多样性与立地条件的关系,提出了保护措施.十渡、慕田峪和云峰山的油松林林下物种比较丰富,3地物种较相似,每两地之间的共有种都在50%以上,而喇叭沟门存在较多其他9个地区未调查到的物种;百花山、十渡和喇叭沟门是北京山区油松林植物多样性较高的地区,云蒙山、松山、云峰山、慕田峪和石花洞的油松林植物多样性中等,潭戒寺和妙峰山的植物多样性最低.各地油松林中还存在着一些珍稀濒危的兰科植物.主成分分析表明,影响油松林植物多样性的因子主要有林分起源、林分密度、坡向、坡位和林龄.


      Abstract: Based on the investigation materials during the period of 1998—2003, the shrub and grass species similarity and diversity in Pinus tabulaeformis forests of 10 regions around Beijing were compared and analyzed. The relationships of plant diversity in P. tabulaeformis forests and stand conditions using the software MatLab were analyzed, and protection measures are suggested finally. Generally, the shrub and grass in P. tabulaeformis forests at Shidu, Mutianyu and Yunfengshan are rich in species and high in similarity, and the species numbers in common in each two plots mentioned above are above 50%, while many peculiar species that cannot be found at other 9 regions exist at Labagoumen. As for plant diversity indexes, Baihuashan, Shidu and Labagoumen are a little higher, while Tanjiesi and Miaofengshan are much lower, with Songshan, Yunmengshan, Yunfengshan, Mutianyu and Shihuadong in the middle. Some endangered orchid species are found distributed in P. tabulaeformis forests with a clumped spatial pattern, but rarely appear in other forest types, indicating that P. tabulaeformis forests are ideal habitats for orchid plants. The principal components analysis reveals that the 9 factors relative to the distribution of P. tabulaeformis forests are all important, and among them 5 factors, i.e. the source of forests, forest density, slope direction, slope position and forest age are especially more important.


