

    Comparison of organic carbon pool of soil in bush and broad-leaved forests

    • 摘要: 为了解灌木林生长对土壤质量的影响,采样分析了灌木林表层0~20cm)土壤的有机碳含量,并与相同生境的阔叶林进行了比较.结果表明,灌木林土壤微生物量碳(0.623g/kg)、水溶性有机碳(0.189g/kg)及它们占总有机碳的比率(分别为3.94%和2.27%)显著高于(P<0.05)阔叶林土壤,其相应的含量分别为0.338g/kg和0.148g/kg、百分比为2.27%和1.12%,而灌木林土壤总有机碳(17.84g/kg)、易氧化态碳(9.50g/kg),特别是易氧化态碳占总有机碳的比率(53.41%)与阔叶林(15.51g/kg、8.26g/kg、53.26%)无显著差别,2种土壤的全氮、水解氮、有效磷含量及所测酶的活性也无显著差异.2种林分土壤的微生物量碳、易氧化态碳与土壤总有机碳含量间相关性均达显著水平,而水溶性有机碳与土壤总有机碳的相关性只有灌木林土壤达极显著水平.土壤有机碳与土壤氮素含量都有较好的相关性.阔叶林土壤蔗糖酶、脲酶、蛋白酶及磷酸酶活性与土壤总有机碳、微生物量碳及易氧化态碳含量间均存在显著相关性,而灌木林土壤只有蔗糖酶活性与各类碳有机碳有显著相关性,其余各类酶与土壤有机碳之间相关性均不显著。


      Abstract: In order to investigate the influence of bush growth on the forest soil‚the anthors analyzed the organic carbon pool and compared it with that of broad- leaved forests with the same environmental foctors.Soils at 0~20cm depth were collected as profile sample.The results show that soil microbial biomass carbon(MBC)and water-soluble organic carbon(WSOC) were much higher (P<0∙01) in bush forest(0∙623and 0∙1 8 9g / kg) compared with the same values in broad- leaved forests(0∙338and 0∙148g/kg).Higher percentages of MBC and WSOC to total organic carbon (TOC) were observed in bush forest(P<0∙05).However‚there were no differences in TOC and easily-oxidized organic carbon(EOC)‚soil enzymatic activities and soil nutrients to be found between the two types of forest.Both soil MBC and EOC were closely related(P<0∙01) to TOC in the two forest stands.However‚a close relationship between WSOC and TOC was observed only in bush forest stand.It was found that soil total nitrogen(TN) in both forests were closely related to TOC(P<0∙01).The activities of sucrase‚protease‚urease and phosphatase were significantly(P<0∙01) related to TOC‚MBC and EOC in the broad-leaved forest.The sucrase was the only enzyme which was well correlated to various fractions of organic carbon in bush forests.


