Preliminary study on detection of wood structure defects and evaluation of residual elastic modulus
摘要: 以现场检测古建筑木构件的缺陷和评价残余弹性模量为目的,采用三维应力波的方法对保国寺大殿C1柱进行了现场勘查。结果表明:三维应力波无损检测技术可较好地进行现场古建筑木构件内部缺陷的检测,不仅可以现场检测同一高度截面内的缺陷状况,而且还可以现场检测不同高度的截面之间的缺陷状况;通过波速在不同截面之间的变化状况,说明柱子的缺陷主要存在于近地面区域;三维应力波无损检测技术还可较好地进行现场古建筑木构件平均残余弹性模量评价,传感器之间的距离对柱子的平均残余弹性模量的测定影响相对较小。Abstract:
In order to make a non-destructive evaluation of defects in wood structures of ancient architecture and the residual modulus of elasticity,this study measured on-site wood structures from the main hall of the Baoguo Temple, Zhejiang Province, using a three-dimensional stress wave method.Results show that this three-dimensional stress wave is an effective method to detect on-site the defects in wood structure of ancient architecture,not only at the same height,but also at various heights of the columns. Based on the variation of velocity of longitudinal stress wave between sections,defects were mainly found in the near-ground region. The residual modulus of elasticity was also quite successfully evaluated by the three-dimensional stress wave method in wood structure of ancient architecture. Distance between sensors had little effect on the average longitudinal residual modulus of elasticity.
- stress wave /
- on-site /
- defects /
- residual modulus of elasticity
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