• Scopus收录期刊
  • CSCD(核心库)来源期刊
  • 中文核心期刊
  • 中国科技核心期刊
  • F5000顶尖学术来源期刊
  • RCCSE中国核心学术期刊


邢美军, 杨刚, 黄心渊, 王忠芝

邢美军, 杨刚, 黄心渊, 王忠芝. 植物器官生理年龄划分方法的研究[J]. 北京林业大学学报, 2010, 32(4): 181-185.
引用本文: 邢美军, 杨刚, 黄心渊, 王忠芝. 植物器官生理年龄划分方法的研究[J]. 北京林业大学学报, 2010, 32(4): 181-185.
XING Mei-jun, YANG Gang, HUANG Xin-yuan, WANG Zhong-zhi. Defining physiological age of plant organs[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2010, 32(4): 181-185.
Citation: XING Mei-jun, YANG Gang, HUANG Xin-yuan, WANG Zhong-zhi. Defining physiological age of plant organs[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2010, 32(4): 181-185.


Defining physiological age of plant organs

  • 摘要: 生理年龄是植物学家为描述植物生长过程而提出的,它的合理划分对于分析树木的生长变化规律、构建树木的生长模型具有重要意义。对于拓扑结构复杂的多年生高大树木而言,生理年龄的划分并不简单,目前还没有一个系统的划分方法。为了快速、合理地划分植物各器官的生理年龄,基于欧美杨107的实测数据,根据生理年龄的概念,提出了一种自动划分多年生高大树木生理年龄的新方法。结果表明:本文提出的划分方法是可行的,并在一定程度上克服了人工方法存在的误差大、操作复杂等问题。该方法也可以被借鉴应用于其他多年生树木生理年龄的确定。
    Abstract: Physiological age (PA), proposed by botanists, is used to describe the growth process of plants. Rational division of PA plays an important role in the analysis of the growth rhythm of plants and the establishment of tree growth models. However, it is difficult to classify the PA for tall perennial plants with a complex topological structure and, until the present, no systematic methods have been developed. In order to classify the PA of plant organs quickly and suitably, we propose a new automatic method for dividing the PA of plants, based on actual measurement data of Populus×euramericana cv. ‘Neva’. Our experimental results show that the proposed method, which can surmount the problems of artificial methods, i.e. strong subjectivity and operational complexity, is feasible for the determination of PA in perennial trees.
  • 期刊类型引用(1)

    1. 许曈,邵灵梅,王小斌,张润龙,张凯靖,夏宜平,张佳平,李丹青. 多年生单子叶植物的越冬休眠研究进展. 园艺学报. 2022(12): 2703-2721 . 百度学术


  • 文章访问数:  2551
  • HTML全文浏览量:  179
  • PDF下载量:  50
  • 被引次数: 4
  • 收稿日期:  1899-12-31
  • 修回日期:  1899-12-31
  • 发布日期:  2010-07-29


