Research on UBL5 gene and its product structure and function
摘要: 几乎每个真核生物都有UBL5的同源基因。UBL5蛋白在单泛素化H2B、mRNA前体剪接、细胞周期调控、能量代谢以及抗压等方面起着重要的作用。UBL5是近几年发现的一种新类型的类泛素蛋白(UBL),它与泛素及类泛素的三维结构相似,只是C末端的双酪氨酸取代了保守的双甘氨酸。在参考了相关文献资料的基础上, 结合本实验室在文冠果UBL5基因克隆及功能鉴定方面所做的初步研究工作,对UBL5基因的克隆、蛋白结构、功能等方面进行了综述。Abstract: Orthologs of UBL5 almost occur in every eukaryotic genome. UBL5 plays an important role in H2B monoubiquitination, pre-mRNA splicing, cell cycle regulation, energy metabolism, stress,etc. UBL5 is a novel class of the UBL protein family.The tertiary structure of UBL5 is similar to that of ubiquition and ubiquition-like proteins;however, UBL5 contains a C-terminal di-tyrosine motif instead of the conserved di-glycine. All those are based on plenty of references and the research about cloning UBL5 from Xanthoceras sorbifolia Bunge. in our laboratory. This paper reviews the latest results about UBL5 gene in the aspects of its cloning, structure and function.
- UBL5 /
- H2B monoubiquitination /
- pre-mRNA splicing /
- cell cycle
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