

    Discrimination of water use efficiency(WUE) among three Populus deltoids clones.

    • 摘要: 北美杂交黑杨是一种速生但高耗水的树种,筛选高水分利用效率的黑杨品系有重要的理论和实际意义。本文研究了不同水分处理下,3个不同黑杨无性系DN--2、 R--270、 NE--19 的长期水分利用效率( WUEL ) 、瞬时水分利用效率( WUEi)、叶片碳同位素组成(δ13C)、光合速率(Pn)、气孔行为及其相互关系。 结果显示: 无性系间 WUEL 、WUEi、δ13C、Pn、气孔行为都存在明显的差异。说明在黑杨无性系间也存在水分利用效率的差异性。其中NE--19是各处理中表现最优的无性系,具有最高的WUEL、WUEi 、δ13C 、 Pn,而气孔密度和气孔导度最低。分析表明,气孔密度和气孔导度是导致无性系间WUEL 、WUEi、δ13C 、Pn差异的主要原因。在充分供水条件下δ13C 和WUEL相关性最好,但在胁迫处理下其相关性下降。因此,在水分充足的情况下δ13C可作为筛选高水分利用效率品系的可靠指标。ERECTA是第1种在拟南芥中被发现的可调控水分利用效率的基因,从黑杨中克隆并分析该基因,RT--PCR结果表明,ERECTA在黑杨中也具有相似的功能。


      Abstract: Populus deltoids is a fast growing and high water-consuming species. It is necessary to choose clones with high water use efficiency when they are introduced to China. In our test, long-term water use efficiency(WUEL), instantaneous water use efficiency(WUEi), foliar carbon isotope composition (δ13C), photosynthesis, stomatal density and stomatal conductance(Gs) of three P. deltoids clones(DN-2, P. deltoides×P. nigra; R-270, P. deltoides×P. nigra; NE-19, P. nigra×(P. deltoides×P. nigra)) were studied under different water treatments. The results showed that significant differences in these parameters were detected among three clones, indicating the variation of water use efficiency among three clones. NE-19 was the best clone, with the highest WUEL, WUEi, δ13 C and net photosynthetic rate(Pn) and the lowest stomatal density and Gs. Therefore, we make a conclusion that stomatal density and conductance are the major factors which could lead to the variation of Pn and WUE i and in turn affect WUEL and δ13C. δ13C could be a good indicator to evaluate the WUEL of clones, which was correlated with WUEL under sufficient water supply; however, the correlation decreased under water stress. ERECTA gene is the first gene which could regulate plant transpiration efficiency in Arabidopsis. A cDNA clone, designated PdERECTA, was isolated from P. deltoids. RT-PCR indicated that PdERECTA gene may have the similar function in P. deltoids.


