基于不同林龄樟子松人工林生物量调查数据,建立了樟子松林生物量相容性模型,探讨了不同林龄樟子松人工林中乔木层、林下植被层、死地被物层碳密度和碳储量的变化规律。结果表明:樟子松人工林各器官碳密度值的排序为:树叶树枝树干树根;各器官碳密度均随着林龄的增大而增加,27、30、32、36、40和44年生樟子松各器官的平均碳密度分别为449.5、460.2、470.8、485.1、489.2和513.6 g/kg,林下植被与死地被物的碳密度随林龄的变化规律不明显。27~44年期间樟子松人工林群落碳储量都随林龄的增大而增加,从27年生的37.14 t/hm2增加到44年生的168.46 t/hm2,其顺序为:乔木层死地被物层林下植被层,分别占群落总碳储量的90.97%、1.13%和7.90%,乔木层碳储量占主导地位。不同林龄樟子松乔木层、林下植被层和死地被物层年固碳量分别为2.043、0.025 和0.182 t/hm2。研究认为,樟子松人工林群落碳密度及碳储量随林龄的增加变化显著,碳汇作用明显。
Based on the biomass investigation data of Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica plantation with different ages, the compatible tree biomass models of P. sylvestris var. mongolica plantation biomass of different ages were established in this paper and the changes of carbon density and storage of tree layer, undergrowth layer and died ground cover in the forest were discussed. The results showed that the carbon density of different organs varied in the following order: leafbranchstemroot. The arithmetic average carbon density of different organs increased with forest age, which were 449.5, 460.2, 470.8, 485.1, 489.2 and 513.6 g/kg for the plantations of 27, 30, 32, 36, 40 and 44 years old. There was no obvious trend in understorey of plants and died ground cover. The total carbon storage of P. sylvestris var. mongolica forest increased with forest age, ranging from 37.14 t/hm2 in 27 years old forest to 168.46 t/hm2in 44 years old one. The order of carbon storage of different layers in the forest was treedied ground coverundergrowth layer, accounting for 90.97%, 1.13% and 790% of total one respectively. Carbon storage of tree in the forest was in obviously dominant position. The average amount of annual fixed carbon of different plantation ages of tree layer, undergrowth layer and died ground cover was 2.043, 0.025 and 0.182 t/hm2 The research shows that carbon density and carbon storage of P. sylvestris var. mongolica plantation varies obviously with forest age, and carbon converges was obvious.