Comparative study on plant traits between sexual and asexual reproduction for Pinus tabuliformis.
摘要: 以油松优树嫁接无性系和自由授粉半同胞家系及随机选择的油松嫁接和种子繁殖植株为材料,研究了油松有性和无性两种繁殖方式在主干生长、树冠结构、木材性质和雌雄球花产量等性状方面的变异,分析了油松有性和无性繁殖植株内性状间的相关程度。结果表明:油松优树嫁接无性系和半同胞家系的树干与木材密度性状指标在无性系间和半同胞家系内差异显著,在无性系不同分株内和半同胞家系间差异不显著,其他观测性状在油松无性系和半同胞家系之间差异不显著,但无性系的主干生长和针叶性状平均指标值高于半同胞家系,无性系幼龄材与成熟材的基本密度相对一致,而半同胞家系幼龄材与成熟材的基本密度差异较大;随机选择的油松嫁接和种子繁殖植株在树冠结构和雌雄球花产量等性状指标间差异显著,在侧枝和材性指标间差异不显著,胸径与分枝角间的相关系数和侧枝相对长度、侧枝相对粗度与早晚材指标间的相关系数正负相反,早晚材均宽与木材密度间的相关程度达到显著水平;不同繁殖方式植株的树高生长、花量、木材密度、早晚材指标之间在遗传上具有相对独立性。研究结果为今后油松的无性系选择、无性系造林和无性系种子园营建提供了理论基础。Abstract: In this paper, grafted clones and open pollinated halfsib families with plus trees and random selected grafted individuals and seed seedlings of Pinus tabuliformis were used to study trait variation between sexual and asexual reproduction in trunk growing, crown structure, wood properties and cone production. And correlation analyses were conducted among traits in grafted individuals and seed seedlings. Results showed that parameters of tree trunks and wood density were measured relatively consistent within grafted clones and among different halfsib families. Other observed traits demonstrated no significant differences between the halfsib families and the grafted clones of plus trees, but the average value of trunk growth and needle length in the grafted clones were higher than that of halfsib family. Basic density of juvenile wood as well as mature wood was relatively consistent in grafted clones, while it was quite different in halfsib families; randomly selected grafted individuals and seed seedlings had significant difference in traits of crown structure and cone yield,but no significant in lateral branch and wood properties. Correlation coefficients of diameter at breast height with branch angle,comparative length of the branch (rate of branch wide to height of tree) and comparative wide of the branch (rate of branch wide to diameter at breast height) with index of early and later wood were positive and negative contrary,correlations between average wide of the early and late wood and wood density reached significant level. Traits among height growth, strobilus production, wood density,early and later wood were relatively independent. Results of this paper provide the theoretical basis for cloning selection, clonal afforestation and seed orchard establishment of P. tabuliformis in the future.
- Pinus tabuliformis /
- sexual reproduction /
- asexual reproduction /
- trait variation
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