Establishing an integrated mechanical model of root tensile strength—taking four common arbor species in North China for example
摘要: 抗拉强度是建立边坡稳定模型时最常使用的植被根系特性之一。为建立根系抗拉强度的力学综合模型,对华北地区4种常见乔木油松、白桦、落叶松和蒙古栎的单根依照不同标距、不同拉伸速率进行了拉力试验。试验数据的分析结果表明:所有根系抗拉强度的观测值均通过正态检验;从数学角度出发,应用聚类分析方法,区分出4种乔木的极细根和细根;标距、树种对抗拉强度影响显著,拉伸速率对抗拉强度影响不显著。在理论推导和数据分析的基础上建立了乔木单根抗拉强度的力学综合模型,并对模型参数进行求解。该研究探明了单根抗拉强度的作用机理,对建立边坡稳定模型具有重要参考价值。Abstract: Tensile strength is one of the plant root traits most commonly used by engineers when modeling slope stability. In order to establish an integrated mechanical model of root tensile strength, specimens of root in North China of different lengths and varied tensile rates were carried out for tensile test. Analysis of test data showed that all values of root tensile strength were observed by normal inspection; from a mathematic point of view, a distinction was made between fine and thin roots of four tree species by using cluster analysis; both root length and tree species had significant effects on tensile strength, while tensile rates had no significant effects on tensile strength. Moreover, based on theoretical derivation and data analysis, the synthesis mechanical model of tree singleroot tensile strength was established and its parameters were solved out. It had researched mechanism of singleroot tensile strength, which can provide important reference value for the establishment of slope stability model.
- tree root /
- singleroot tensile /
- slope stability /
- tensile strength /
- mechanical model
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