A preliminary study on the systematic position of Clematis acerifolia based on the analyses of ITS and plastid regions.
摘要: 槭叶铁线莲是分布于北京附近低山峭壁之上的特有濒危植物,其分布区域狭窄。在传统分类处理中将槭叶铁线莲置于绣球藤组中,但是其形态特征、地理分布及生长环境与组中其他种类有较大差异。本文根据核核糖体DNA中的ITS序列片段和3个叶绿体DNA序列片段(atpB-rbcL间隔区、psbA-trnQ间隔区和rpoB-trnC间隔区),采用最大简约法(MP)和贝叶斯法(Bayes)构建铁线莲属系统发育关系,从而探讨槭叶铁线莲在属中的系统位置问题。结果表明:1)单独的ITS片段和叶绿体片段分析所得到的系统树分辨率较低,而合并分析可以得到相对较高的分辨率和支持率。2)铁线莲属与锡兰莲属共同组成一单系类群,二属应予以合并。3)槭叶铁线莲并不与绣球藤组植物聚为一支,从而并不支持现在的分类学处理。4)槭叶铁线莲表现出比较孤立的系统位置,表明该种可能是本属中分布于北温带古老类群的孑遗。Abstract: Clematis acerifolia is a critically endangered species endemic to an extremely narrow distribution range in Beijing Municipality. This species is often found on the vertical cliffs in gorges of Fangshan and Mentougou districts. Although most of the taxonomic treatments placed it into Sect. Cheiropsis, its systematic position has never been tested by the molecular evidence. To access the systematic position of C. acerifolia, sequences of the ITS, the plastid atpB-rbcL spacer, psbA-trnQ spacer and rpoB-trnC spacer regions from the whole genus were analyzed using parsimony and Bayesian inference methods. The results showed that: 1) relatively low resolution and support values were obtained in the separate analyses but were enhanced in the combined data analyses; 2) Clematis together with Naravelia formed a clade and these two genera should be merged; 3) traditionally taxonomic treatment of C. acerifolia was not supported and this species may not be a member of Sect. Cheiropsis; 4) the position of C. acerifolia was detected to be isolated in the genus and it may represent a relic species of Holarctic Clematis.
- Clematis acerifolia /
- systematic position /
- ITS /
- atpB-rbcL /
- psbA-trnQ /
- rpoB-trnC
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