Transformation of ground-cover Chrysanthemum with HsfA2 gene isolated from Arabidopsis thaliana
摘要: 利用农杆菌介导法将从哥伦比亚生态型拟南芥中克隆得到的热激转录因子A2基因导入地被菊‘北林黄’中,经抗生素筛选和分子检测,获得了8株阳性转化株系。利用RT-PCR方法对阳性转化株检测表明,其中7个株系中外源基因得到表达;高温胁迫处理结果也显示,转基因植株耐热胁迫能力显著高于非转基因植株。本文通过将外源AtHsfA2基因导入地被菊,获得了耐热性显著提高的转基因植株,为观赏植物抗逆转基因育种提供了科学参考。Abstract: A HsfA2 gene isolated from Arabidopsis thaliana ecotype Columbia was transferred into ground-cover Chrysanthemum ‘Beilinhuang’ by the Agrobacterium-mediated method. After antibiotics screening and molecular detection, eight positive transgenic lines were obtained. RT-PCR detection results showed that the exogenous AtHsfA2 gene was expressed in seven transgenic lines. The results of heat stress treatment also showed that the ability of transgenic plants to heat stress was significantly higher than that of non-transgenic plants. This research obtained Chrysanthemum lines with higher resistance ability to heat stress through transgenic method and may provide scientific references for transgenic breeding of ornamental plants.
- AtHsfA2 gene /
- genetic transformation /
- ground-cover Chrysanthemum /
- heat stress
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