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徐金梅, 吕建雄, 鲍甫成, 黄荣凤, 刘贤德, RobertEvans, 赵有科

徐金梅, 吕建雄, 鲍甫成, 黄荣凤, 刘贤德, RobertEvans, 赵有科. 祁连山青海云杉木材密度对气候变化的响应[J]. 北京林业大学学报, 2011, 33(5): 115-121.
引用本文: 徐金梅, 吕建雄, 鲍甫成, 黄荣凤, 刘贤德, RobertEvans, 赵有科. 祁连山青海云杉木材密度对气候变化的响应[J]. 北京林业大学学报, 2011, 33(5): 115-121.
XU Jin-mei, L Jian-xiong, BAO Fu-cheng, HUANG Rong-feng, LIU Xian-de, Robert Evans, ZHAO You-ke. Response of wood density of Picea crassifolia to climate change in Qilian Mountains of northwestern China[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2011, 33(5): 115-121.
Citation: XU Jin-mei, L Jian-xiong, BAO Fu-cheng, HUANG Rong-feng, LIU Xian-de, Robert Evans, ZHAO You-ke. Response of wood density of Picea crassifolia to climate change in Qilian Mountains of northwestern China[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2011, 33(5): 115-121.


Response of wood density of Picea crassifolia to climate change in Qilian Mountains of northwestern China

  • 摘要: 为探明木材密度对气候变化的响应,以祁连山中部下限青海云杉为研究对象,利用Silviscan--3测定了青海云杉的木材密度,根据树木年轮气候学的标准方法建立了年轮密度、早材密度、晚材密度、最大密度、最小密度年表,分析了各个木材密度年表与月平均温度、最高温度、最低温度和月降雨量的关系。结果发现:木材密度与温度正相关,与降雨量负相关。年轮密度和早材密度与6、7、8、9月月均温度显著正相关,与6、7、9月月均最高温度显著正相关,与上年10月和当年7、9月月均最低温度显著正相关;最小密度与6、7、8月月均温度显著正相关,与6、7月月均最高温度显著正相关,与7月月均最低温度显著正相关;晚材密度和最大密度与温度不相关。年轮密度与3月月降雨量显著负相关,早材密度和最小密度与6月月降雨量显著负相关,晚材密度和最大密度与降雨量不相关,即晚材密度对气候的敏感性弱于早材密度。这表明温度对青海云杉木材密度有直接影响,降雨量有间接影响,夏季温度是影响青海云杉木材密度的主要气候因子。
    Abstract: To investigate the response of wood density to climate change, wood density of Picea crassifolia trees at lower tree line in the middle Qilian Mountains, northwestern China was measured using Silviscan-3. Chronologies of annual, earlywood, latewood, maximum and minimum density were established by dendrochronological methods. Relationships of chronologies to monthly mean, maximum, minimum temperatures and monthly precipitation were analyzed. The results indicated that wood density of P.crassifolia trees positively correlated with temperatures and negatively correlated with precipitation. Annual and earlywood density significantly correlated with monthly mean temperatures in June to September, with monthly maximum temperatures in June, July and September, and with monthly minimum temperatures in October in previous year and in July and September in current year. Minimum density significantly correlated with temperature in June to August, with monthly maximum temperatures in June and July, and with monthly minimum temperatures in July. Annul density significantly correlated with precipitation in March. Earlywood and minimum density significantly correlated with precipitation in June. Latewood and maximum density did not show significant relationships with temperature and precipitation, latewood density was less sensitive to climate than earlywood density. Those results indicate that temperature has directly influence and precipitation has indirectly impact on wood density, temperature in summer is main climate factor influencing wood density of P.crassifolia in Qilian Mountains, northwestern China.
  • 期刊类型引用(2)

    1. 王田雨,岳文泽,黄波,钟鹏宇. 未来气候变化情景下浙江省陆地生态系统碳汇估算与保护区识别. 地理学报. 2025(01): 183-199 . 百度学术
    2. 刘金勋,卢学鹤,朱求安,袁文平,苑全治,张臻,国庆喜,DEERINGCarol. 陆地生态系统模拟研究中IBIS模型开发应用的回顾和展望. Journal of Resources and Ecology. 2022(01): 2-16 . 百度学术


  • 文章访问数:  2029
  • HTML全文浏览量:  134
  • PDF下载量:  44
  • 被引次数: 10
  • 收稿日期:  1899-12-31
  • 修回日期:  1899-12-31
  • 发布日期:  2011-09-29


