Effects of planting time on endogenous hormones and oxidase in tetraploid Robinia pseudoacacia softwood cuttings.
摘要: 为了解四倍体刺槐嫩枝扦插生根机制和选择适宜的扦插时间,2010年在西北农林科技大学林学院教学实验苗圃,研究了不同扦插时间对嫩枝插穗生根过程中内源激素含量和氧化酶活性的影响。结果表明:8月和7月扦插的插穗IAA含量明显高于5月和6月,较高含量的IAA是抑制生根的主要因子;ABA含量在生根过程中没有明显的抑制作用,而是起协助作用;扦插时间越早,ZR含量越高;8月扦插的插穗IAAO活性明显高于5月、6月和7月;PPO活性与生根关系密切,扦插时间越早,PPO活性越高;随着扦插时间的延长,插穗木质化程度提高,POD活性也随之升高,POD可作为衡量插穗木质化的指标。因此,四倍体刺槐嫩枝扦插时间以5月中旬到7月中旬为宜。Abstract: The effects of planting time on endogenous hormones contents and oxidase activities in tetraploid Robinia pseudoacacia softwood cuttings were carried out to elucidate the rooting mechanism and determine the optimum planting time for rooting at experimental nursery of College of Forestry, Northwest Agriculture and Forestry University in 2010The results showed that IAA contents of softwood cuttings planted in July and August were higher than those in May and June. High IAA content was an important factor inhibiting rooting. ABA contents were not found to inhibit rooting, but to assist rooting. The higher ZR contents were got with the earlier planting time. Furthermore, IAAO activities of softwood cuttings planted in August were obviously higher than that in May, June and July. PPO activities were closely related to rooting. PPO activities were higher in early planting time than those in later. POD activities and the lignification of softwood cuttings were increased with planting time. Thus, POD activities could serve as an indicator of lignification degree.From the results obtained,it can be recommended that the optimum planting time for tetraploid R.pseudoacacia softwood cuttings is ranging from middle of May to July.
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