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杜蕊, 郑红娟, 贾桂霞

杜蕊, 郑红娟, 贾桂霞. 北美蓝云杉菌根化育苗技术研究[J]. 北京林业大学学报, 2012, 34(1): 70-74.
引用本文: 杜蕊, 郑红娟, 贾桂霞. 北美蓝云杉菌根化育苗技术研究[J]. 北京林业大学学报, 2012, 34(1): 70-74.
DU Rui, ZHENG Hong-juan, JIA Gui-xia. Seedling cultivation of Picea pungens with mycorrhizal fungi.[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2012, 34(1): 70-74.
Citation: DU Rui, ZHENG Hong-juan, JIA Gui-xia. Seedling cultivation of Picea pungens with mycorrhizal fungi.[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2012, 34(1): 70-74.


Seedling cultivation of Picea pungens with mycorrhizal fungi.

  • 摘要: 为提高北美蓝云杉引种成活率并促进其幼苗生长,于2007年进行了适宜菌种的筛选和菌根化育苗技术的研究。结果表明:1)普通裂褶菌和Pt菌剂为较适宜的菌种。2)接种Pt菌剂后,不同种源间的平均苗高差异不显著,不同接种时间的平均苗高差异极显著。3)不同种源的适宜Pt菌剂接种量不同。1号和3号种源施用1 g/株的菌剂,2号和4号种源施用0.5 g/株的菌剂促进生长的效果最好,2个月后1~4号种源幼苗的平均苗高分别为3.31、3.90、3.84和3.54 cm。4)在幼苗移植时接种Pt菌剂不仅可以提高移植成活率,还有助于保持观赏性状。接种Pt菌剂后移植成活率均达85%以上,其中4号种源移植成活率最高,为92.86%;与对照相比,接种Pt菌剂后1级苗增多,其中3号种源的1级苗率最高,为56.67%。
    Abstract: In order to improve the seedling survival rate and promote the growth of Picea pungens, which was introduced from the America, the suitable mycorrhizal fungi were selected and the technique of seedling cultivation with mycorrhizal fungi was established in 2007 The results showed that: 1) Schizophyllum commune and Pisolithus tinctorius(Pt) were the suitable mycorrhizal fungi. 2) The average heights of seedlings from different provenances had no significant differences after inoculating Pt, but the differences at varied inoculating time were extremely significant. 3) The suitable doses of Pt were varied among different provenances. For No.1 and No.3, the suitable inoculating dose was 1 g per plant, but for No.2 and No.4, it was 0.5 g per plant. The average seedling heights of four provenances after two months of growth were 3.31, 3.90, 3.84 and 3.54 cm respectively. 4) Inoculation with Pt at the transplanting time not only can improve survival rate, but also help maintain ornamental characteristics. The transplanting survival rate of all the treatments was above 85%, and that of the No.4 seedlings was the highest of 92.86%. The number of first class seedlings of all treatments increased compared with the control, and the first class seedling rate of No.3 seedlings was the highest of 56.67%.
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  • 被引次数: 12
  • 收稿日期:  1899-12-31
  • 修回日期:  1899-12-31
  • 发布日期:  2012-01-29


