Forest fire spread fast model based on 3D cellular automaton in spatially heterogeneous area.
摘要: 为建立林火蔓延动态预测模型,实现实时三维可视化模拟,构建了王正非3D元胞自动机模型林火蔓延模拟框架。该模型考虑林火蔓延的物理规律和全局因素的相互作用,在王正非山火初始蔓延速度经验模型的基础上,综合考虑地表植被类型、地形坡度、风速、风向、温度5个因素,并根据元胞之间能量传递建立状态转换规则。以我国西南火灾高发区作为实验区域,在多约束条件下模拟林火蔓延行为并获取林火矢量边界,实验证明该方法简便、高效、输入参数少、运算效率高,可以实现不同条件下的林火蔓延快速模拟。Abstract: In order to establish a dynamic prediction and 3D visualization model for forest fire spread, a Wang Zhengfei3D CA realtime model was proposed. Both physical rules and global factors for forest fire spread were considered in this modified model, which involved wind direction, wind velocity, temperature, terrain slope and vegetation type on the basis of Wang Zhengfeis experiential initial fire spread velocity, and the transformation rule was established according to energy exchanged in cells. Some experiments in southwestern fireprone areas in China had been done in this paper and the process of fire spread and achieves vector boundary were simulated in multiconstraint conditions. Results show that the modified model is feasible and effective with a small quantity of input parameters, could simulate forest fire under different conditions and rapidly predict a developing fire.
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