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  • CSCD(核心库)来源期刊
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  • 中国科技核心期刊
  • F5000顶尖学术来源期刊
  • RCCSE中国核心学术期刊


朱明华, 方桂珍, 韩世岩, 张彦华, 荣海宏, 郭军, 史永纯

朱明华, 方桂珍, 韩世岩, 张彦华, 荣海宏, 郭军, 史永纯. 刺五加根茎剩余物丙酮有机溶剂提取木质素及抗氧化活性[J]. 北京林业大学学报, 2012, 34(1): 135-140.
引用本文: 朱明华, 方桂珍, 韩世岩, 张彦华, 荣海宏, 郭军, 史永纯. 刺五加根茎剩余物丙酮有机溶剂提取木质素及抗氧化活性[J]. 北京林业大学学报, 2012, 34(1): 135-140.
ZHU Ming-hua, FANG Gui-zhen, HAN Shi-yan, ZHANG Yan-hua, RONG Hai-hong, GUO Jun, SHI Yong-chun. Lignin separation and antioxidant capacity from Acanthopanax senticosus remainders using acetone.[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2012, 34(1): 135-140.
Citation: ZHU Ming-hua, FANG Gui-zhen, HAN Shi-yan, ZHANG Yan-hua, RONG Hai-hong, GUO Jun, SHI Yong-chun. Lignin separation and antioxidant capacity from Acanthopanax senticosus remainders using acetone.[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2012, 34(1): 135-140.


Lignin separation and antioxidant capacity from Acanthopanax senticosus remainders using acetone.

  • 摘要: 以制药废弃物刺五加根茎剩余物为原料,采用丙酮有机溶剂法提取木质素,探讨了反应温度、反应时间、料液比、乙酸体积分数、丙酮体积分数等工艺条件对木质素得率和木质素抗氧化活性的影响。结果表明:反应温度对丙酮有机木质素抗氧化性能影响最显著,其他因素不显著。优化工艺条件为反应温度180 ℃、丙酮体积分数80%、料液比 1∶20、反应时间80 min。重复性验证实验得知,丙酮有机木质素DPPH去除能力EC50值为1.518 mg/mL,丙酮有机木质素抗氧化活性比常规碱法木质素抗氧化活性高,但低于商业合成抗氧化剂BHA。
    Abstract: Lignin was extracted from Acanthopanax senticosus remainders coming from pharmaceutical production process with acetone as extracting reagent. Lignin antioxidant capacity and yield were tested under singlefactor experiment,such as reaction temperature,reaction time,solidliquid ratio,acetic acid concentration,and solution concentration of acetone. The optimal conditions by a fourlevel orthogonal array design were as followings: reaction temperature 180 ℃, solution concentration of acetone 80%, solidliquid ratio 1∶20, and reaction time 80 min. The EC50 of the acetone organic lignin on DPPH was 1.518 mg/mL by verification experiments. The results indicate that the acetone organic lignin antioxidant capacity is better than that of Kraft lignin, but much lower than that of butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA).
  • 期刊类型引用(4)

    1. 杨铭伟,王时英. 超声振动时效机理分析及试验研究. 中国农机化学报. 2016(02): 70-74 . 百度学术
    2. 田超,李学敏,龚习. 航天结构件焊接残余应力的无损检测方法. 科技风. 2015(21): 53-54 . 百度学术
    3. 冯爱新,王俊伟,周鹏程,李彬. WC硬质合金管螺纹梳刀应力常数的实验研究. 热加工工艺. 2012(20): 69-71 . 百度学术
    4. 张亦良,刘金艳,徐学东. 不锈钢X射线应力测量. 北京工业大学学报. 2010(09): 1165-1173 . 百度学术


  • 文章访问数:  2691
  • HTML全文浏览量:  193
  • PDF下载量:  30
  • 被引次数: 21
  • 收稿日期:  1899-12-31
  • 修回日期:  1899-12-31
  • 发布日期:  2012-01-29


