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  • 中国科技核心期刊
  • F5000顶尖学术来源期刊
  • RCCSE中国核心学术期刊


史军娜, 刘美芹, 刘杰, 陈玉珍, 卢存福

史军娜, 刘美芹, 刘杰, 陈玉珍, 卢存福. 沙冬青A20/AN1锌指蛋白基因序列及表达分析[J]. 北京林业大学学报, 2012, 34(2): 103-108.
引用本文: 史军娜, 刘美芹, 刘杰, 陈玉珍, 卢存福. 沙冬青A20/AN1锌指蛋白基因序列及表达分析[J]. 北京林业大学学报, 2012, 34(2): 103-108.
SHI Jun-na, LIU Mei-qin, LIU Jie, CHEN Yu-zhen, LU Cun-fu. Sequence analysis and expression pattern of AmSTZF encoding an A20/AN1 zinc finger protein in Ammopiptanthus mongolicus.[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2012, 34(2): 103-108.
Citation: SHI Jun-na, LIU Mei-qin, LIU Jie, CHEN Yu-zhen, LU Cun-fu. Sequence analysis and expression pattern of AmSTZF encoding an A20/AN1 zinc finger protein in Ammopiptanthus mongolicus.[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2012, 34(2): 103-108.


Sequence analysis and expression pattern of AmSTZF encoding an A20/AN1 zinc finger protein in Ammopiptanthus mongolicus.

  • 摘要: A20/AN1锌指蛋白普遍存在于真核生物中,在胁迫响应引起的信号传导过程中发挥着重要作用。本文利用生物信息学和RT-PCR方法从低温干旱胁迫的沙冬青叶片组织中分离锌指蛋白基因AmSTZF,该基因编码一条含172个氨基酸残基的多肽,含A20和AN1两个锌指蛋白保守结构域,属A20/AN1锌指蛋白。生物信息学分析显示该蛋白定位于细胞质中,具有磷酸化位点,参与细胞转录调控。RTPCR分析表明:低温和干旱胁迫处理的沙冬青叶片中,AmSTZF的表达增强,初步推测该基因与沙冬青低温、干旱胁迫响应相关。
    Abstract: A20/AN1 zinc finger protein widely exists in eukaryote and plays a central role in signal transduction pathway involved in stress response.We cloned zinc finger gene AmSTZF from cold and droughttreated Ammopiptanthus mongolicus leaves by bioinformatics and RTPCR. The cDNA of AmSTZF encodes a polypeptide with 172 amino acids,which contains A20 and AN1 conserved domains and belongs to A20/AN1 zinc finger protein.Bioinformatics predicts that AmSTZF has phosphorylation sites, exists in cytoplasm and is involved in the regulation of gene transcription.RTPCR analysis shows that the expression of AmSTZF is upregulated under cold-and drought-stresses and that AmSTZF is related to the response to drought and chilling stresses.
  • 期刊类型引用(4)

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    3. 任美艳,王志林,郭慧琴,薛敏,殷玉梅,王茅雁. 沙冬青C2H2型锌指蛋白基因AmZFP1的克隆与表达分析. 华北农学报. 2017(02): 8-13 . 百度学术
    4. 钟小娟. 植物低温逆境胁迫相关锌指蛋白研究进展. 北京农业. 2015(31): 207-208 . 百度学术


  • 文章访问数:  2736
  • HTML全文浏览量:  139
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  • 被引次数: 10
  • 收稿日期:  1899-12-31
  • 修回日期:  1899-12-31
  • 发布日期:  2012-03-29


