

    Effects of chemical components on longitudinal MOE and hardness of wood cell wall

    • 摘要: 以杉木成熟材晚材为研究对象,采用化学成分选择性脱除方法依次脱除木质素和半纤维素。利用纳米压痕技术,在纳米尺度上,探讨半纤维素和木质素对木材细胞壁压入力学性能的影响。结果表明:木质素对细胞壁的弹性模量影响显著,脱除木质素后细胞壁弹性模量损失了6.53%。半纤维素是一种界面高分子,在细胞壁中作为连接纤维素和木质素的界面偶联剂,对细胞壁的纵向弹性模量影响极显著,脱除半纤维素后细胞壁弹性模量损失约为9.16%。木质素和半纤维素对细胞壁的硬度影响均显著。木质素脱除后,细胞壁硬度降低了16.98%。半纤维素脱除处理与脱木质素处理相比,硬度仅下降了0.87%。


      Abstract: In this study, we used targeted modification method to extract lignin and hemicellulose from mature latewood of Chinese fir (Cunninghamia lanceolata (Lamb.) Hook) successively. We applied nanoindentation technology to study the effects of hemicellulose and lignin on nanomechanical properties of wood cell wall at nanoscale. Results showed that lignin influenced the modulus of elasticity(MOE) significantly (at 0.05 level). The loss of elastic modulus was 653% after delignifing treatment. Hemicelluloses, which act as an interfacial coupling agent between the highly ordered cellulose of the microfibrils and lignin, affected MOE of cell wall significantly (at 0.01 level). The loss of elastic modulus was about 9.16% after being treated with hemicellulose extraction. Hemicellulose and lignin affected the hardness of cell wall significantly (at 0.05 level), which decreased with the degradation of hemicellulose or lignin. After delignifing treatment, the hardness of cell wall decreased by 16.98%, while it only decreased by 0.87% after hemicelluloseextracting treatment.


