.Genetic relationship of germplasm resources of Salvia splendens using SRAP marker. J
摘要: 应用SRAP分子标记,对24个国内外优良一串红品种(系)进行了亲缘关系分析。结果表明,从88个引物组合中筛选到24个多态性较高的引物组合,共扩增出306个多态性条带,平均每个引物组合产生12.8个多态性条带,获得了较高的多态性比率。对不同样本产生的扩增产物进行聚类分析发现,在相似系数0.72的水平上,可以把24个一串红品种(系)分为3大类:本课题组自育品种(系)全部聚在Ⅰ类;国外品种全部聚在Ⅱ类;‘展望白’和‘展望鲑红’聚为Ⅲ类,与其他花色截然分开。一串红SRAP分子标记的多态性与种质来源的关系密切,利用SRAP分子标记的聚类分析结果可为一串红杂交亲本选配、品种鉴定和知识产权保护提供依据。Abstract: The molecular marker system—SRAP (sequencerelated amplified plymorphism) was used to study the genetic relationship to provide a theoretical basis for parent selection, cultivar identification and intellectual property protection of Salvia splendens. Genetic relationship of 24 S. splendens cultivars was analyzed using SRAP marker. Twentyfour primer pairs selected from 88 primer pairs amplified 306 polymorphic bands with an average of 12.8 polymorphic bands per primer pair. UPGMA clustering suggested that 24 cultivars could be divided into three groups as the genetic distance was 0.72. The first group mainly included S. splendens cultivars from Beijing Institute of Landscape Architecture, and foreign cultivars were in the second group, both ‘Vista White’ and ‘Vista Salmon’were clustered in the third group in view of different color from other flowers. In conclusion, there is good consistency between genetic diversity of germplasm resources of S. splendens using SRAP marker and germplasm sources.
- Salvia splendens /
- polymorphism /
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