

    Development of tree biomass model for Pinus koraiensis plantation

    • 摘要: 基于红松人工林生物量调查数据,选出了红松人工林总量与各分量最优基础模型,在此基础上利用非线性度量误差联立方程组估计的方法,分别以总生物量和树干生物量为基础分级控制的方案建立了总量及各分量(地上、根、干、枝、叶和树冠)之间相容性生物量模型,并采用加权回归的方法进行异方差的消除。结果表明:最优基础模型和相容性生物量模型的相关指数R2为0.80~0.99,模型拟合率EF为0.82~0.98;在模型的预测精度方面,总生物量和各分量生物量模型的预测精度绝大多数在82%以上,其中树干生物量的预测精度最高,树叶生物量的预测精度最低。总体来看,采用以总生物量为基础分级控制方法建立的相容性模型效果稍好,总量与各分量生物量最优基础模型与相容性模型的各项拟合和检验指标差异不大,这2种形式的生物量模型均能很好地预估红松人工林立木生物量。


      Abstract: Based on the data of tree biomass for Korean pine(Pinus koraiensis) plantations, the optimal model of tree biomass for Korean pine had been selected by using the method of nonlinear simultaneous equations with measure error. Based on the total biomass and stem biomass as restrictions,the compatible tree biomass equations between the total biomass and each components of tree (stem, branches, foliages, and roots) were developed. Meanwhile, the weighted regression method was used to eliminate heteroscedasticity. The results showed that the coefficients of determination (R2) and the modeling efficiency (EF) were 0.80-0.99 and 0.82-0.98 respectively for the optimal base models and compatible biomass models. The most of the prediction accuracy was larger than 82% for tree biomass models of total and each component, where the effects of prediction accuracy were better for stem biomass and the worst for foliage. On the whole, the compatible tree biomass models developed on the total biomass as restriction were little better than stem biomass as restriction. There were no significant differences between statistics of goodnessoffit and validation for the optimal base models and compatible models of tree biomass. The conclusion is that the two kinds of compatible biomass equations developed in the paper can effectively estimate the tree biomass for Korean pine plantations.


