

    Colonization and pathogenicity for American and Chinese bacterial strains carried by pine wood nematodes.

    • 摘要: 松材线虫体表的细菌存在演替现象,美国松萎蔫病危害不严重的原因可能是松材线虫体表细菌演替的结果。利用美国线虫体表的细菌来替代中国线虫体表的细菌,从而降低中国松萎蔫病的流行,为松萎蔫病的生物防治提供了可能。为此,本研究从3株美国松材线虫体表分离得到15株细菌菌株,并确定MG3、MG4、MG5、MG8、MG9、MG11、MG12为优势菌株。用中国松材线虫体表的4个致病细菌菌株YG1、YG2、YG3、YG4分别和15株美国菌株在实验室条件下进行对峙,发现美国MG4、MG5、MG8、MG9等菌株在松材线虫体表具有很强的竞争能力。用竞争能力最强的3个美国菌株MG5、MG8、MG9,混同无菌松材线虫分别对黑松、马尾松、湿地松和油松进行接种,发现相对于中国YG2菌株,美国菌株MG8和MG9对4种松树的致病性均明显较低。提出美国菌株MG8和MG9可以作为生物防治的候选菌株。


      Abstract: Bacterial succession on the surface of pine wood nematode (PWN) may have a direct impact on the development of pine wilt disease (PWD). The objective of this study was to isolate bacteria from PWN in the United States where PWD was not a serious problem and compared with four bacterial strains (YG1,YG2,YG3,YG4) from China. Fifteen bacterial strains including seven dominant strains (MG3, MG4, MG5, MG8, MG9, MG11 and MG12) were isolated from 3 PWN originating in the USA. In competition assays, Four (MG4, MG5, MG8 and MG9) of the 15 American bacterial strains better colonized sterile PWN than all Chinese strains tested. These three American strains(MG5, MG8, MG9) were further compared with one reference Chinese strain(YG2) for control efficacy using Pinus thunbergii,P. massoniana,P. elliottii and P. tabuliformis as model systems. MG8 and MG9 provided better control of PWD caused by sterile PWN than YG2. These results show that two American strains MG8 and MG9 have great potential as biological control agents for PWD and deserve further studies.


