

    Population distribution and structure characteristics of village roadside forest in Fujian Province, eastern China

    • 摘要: 运用分层随机抽样法,对福建省88个乡村的道路林进行调查。结果表明:福建省乡村道路林植物组成较为丰富,包括41科、64属、79种;种类组成呈现沿海型平地型半山型山区型的变化规律,山区型乡村道路林数量明显不足,而半山型、平地型和沿海型数量相对较多。道路林植物以观赏性乔木为主,主要使用树种有木荷、楠木、含笑、杜英、圆柏、枫香、乐昌含笑、紫薇、龙眼、黄金榕、降香黄檀、意杨、香樟、天竺桂、垂叶榕等。道路林分布以主干道最多,其次为村内路,而进村路最少,且道路林分布的特点是以单侧分布较多,而两侧分布较少。分布结构以整条分布最多,而零散分布较少;分布长度以50 m以下最多,其次为200 m以上,而50~200 m之间最少。道路林乔木以小径级为主,且多数平均高度均在5 m以下。道路林植物健康状况较差,不健康植物所占比重高达35.57%


      Abstract: The stratified sampling method was adopted to investigate the roadside forest of 88 villages in Fujian Province, southwestern China. The main results showed that floristic composition was richer on village roadside forest, including 79 species, belonging to 64 genera in 41 families. The order of floristic species number was coastal type village flat type villagehill type villagemountainous type village. The floristic number of mountainous type village was the smallest, and those of hill type village, flat type village and coastal type village were relatively richer. The dominant plants were mainly composed of ornamental arbor, such as Schima superba, Phoebe zhennan, Michelia figo,Elaeocarpus sylvestris,Sabina chinensis,Liquidambar formosana,Michelia chapensis,Lagerstroemia indica,Dimocarpus longgana,Ficus microcarpa,Dalbergia odorifera,Populus euramevicana,Cinnamomum camphora,Cinnamomum japonicum,Ficus benjamina,etc. The roadide forest distributed mainly in main road, followed in pathway, and the village road was less. The distribution characteristics of village roadside forest were that unilateral distribution was more and bilateral distribution was less, the whole roads distribution was more and scatter distribution was less. Most distribution length was less than 50 meters, followed by more than 200 meters, and 50 to 200 meters was the least. Most of the arbors were small diameter, and the average height was less than 5 meters. The health status of roadside forest was poor and the proportion of unhealthy plants was up to 35.57%.


