

    Longitudinal modulus of elasticity of Chinese fir tracheids

    • 摘要: 通过测定杉木木材薄片小试样的顺纹抗拉弹性模量和气干密度,计算管胞的纵向弹性模量,进而研究杉木管胞纵向弹性模量的株内变异规律及其与微纤丝角之间的关系。结果表明:杉木管胞的纵向弹性模量沿径向变异较大,靠近髓心处管胞的弹性模量较小;管胞的纵向弹性模量沿树干高度方向变化不大。杉木管胞的平均纵向弹性模量为44.06 GPa;随着微纤角的增大,管胞的纵向弹性模量显著降低;当微纤丝角大于24°后,管胞的纵向弹性模量降低的幅度明显减缓。


      Abstract: This paper calculates the longitudinal modulus of elasticity of Chinese fir tracheids (Ecell) by measuring the wood specimen’s airdried density and tensile modulus of elasticity parallel to wood grain. The variation of Ecell within a tree and the relationship between Ecell and microfibril angle (MFA) were investigated. Results indicated that Ecell exhibited a larger variation in the radial direction than in the longitudinal direction (tree height direction). The average Ecell of all tested samples was 44.06 GPa. The tracheids close to the pith had relatively lower Ecell valued at 16.36 GPa. With increasing MFA, Ecell dccreased significantly. When MFA was higher than 24°, the decreasing range of Ecell became more gradually.


