Screening method of internal defects in cylindrical wood members of ancient architectures.
摘要: 为了快速、有效地筛查出古建筑木构件内部的缺陷,并估算其大小(尺寸),使用Fakopp应力波检测仪和微钻阻力仪,在尽可能小的损伤情况下,快速筛查古建筑圆柱形木构件内部缺陷及其大小(尺寸)。并选取北京市古建筑常用木材落叶松(圆盘)进行验证试验。结果表明,利用Fakopp应力波检测仪和微钻阻力仪可以现场筛查古建筑木构件的内部缺陷及其大小(尺寸)。Abstract: Defects in the wood have serious impact on the load carrying capacity and safety of wood members. To screen the defects and their size of ancient architecture quickly and efficiently is always an important problem demanding effective solutions. This article puts forward a set of methods, on which the defects in cylindrical ancient architecture wood members and their size can be screened quickly without bringing any unnecessary damages. Results show that Fakopp and resistance can be used to detect the defects in cylindrical wood members of ancient architecture.
- ancient architecture /
- cylindrical wood members /
- internal defects /
- screen
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