

    Laser microdissection system of poplar anther.

    • 摘要: 鉴于以往对于杨树雄配子发育的分子调控机制的研究都基于整个花药甚至整个花序的取材,无法提供细胞特异性的表达信息,本研究建立了冷冻切片技术和激光显微切割技术联用分离杨树花药中不同发育时期的小孢子和花粉细胞的技术体系,并对其RNA进行了提取和检测。结果显示RNA的纯度、完整度均达到线性扩增的要求。这可以为更精确地研究杨树雄性生殖细胞发育的分子调控机制甚至为全面解析杨树雄配子发育的调控机制提供丰富的信息。


      Abstract: In poplar, previous studies on the molecular mechanisms of male gamete production used whole anthers or even whole inflorescence, therefore they cannot provide celltype specific expression information. This study establishes a system separating poplar microspore and pollen cells at different developmental stages by using the frozen section and laser microdissection technologies. Further extraction of poplar RNA was conducted and our results showed that the integrity and purity had achieved the requirements of linear application. This study can facilitate our research towards more precise molecular mechanisms of male gamete production and even a more comprehensive understanding of male gamete production in poplar.


