Guideline for the tests of DUS for new varieties of genus Robinia
摘要: 为科学规范地开展植物新品种特异性、一致性和稳定性(DUS)测试工作, 更好地履行《国际植物新品种保护公约》并与国际接轨,研制了刺槐属DUS测试指南。指南遵循国际植物新品种保护联盟有关测试指南总则和我国有关测试指南的国家标准,通过多年多点观测调查,深入细致地研究了刺槐属主要种、变种、变型、无性系和品种的形态特征和生长特性,为性状特征表筛选确定了31个测试性状;对每个测试性状的表达状态进行准确描述和科学分级,共描述划分了110个表达状态或等级;为94个表达状态确定了标准品种;给每个表达状态确定了代码,并给每个性状规定了测试方法。Abstract: Guideline for the tests of distinctness, uniformity and stability (DUS) for new varieties of genus Robinia was developed for standardizing the examination of DUS, performing better the international convention for the protection of new varieties of plants and in line with international practice. The guideline follows the general introduction to examination of DUS for UPOV and the national standard of test guideline for DUS in China. By field survey and fixedpoint observation of many years, the author did comprehensive and painstaking research on morphology characteristics and growing characteristics of genus Robinia, including main species, variants and cultivars. Thirtyone testing characteristics were described for the table of characteristics; the 110 states of expression for characteristics were given; the example varieties were provided for 94 states of expressions; each state of expression was allocated to the corresponding numerical note; the methods of examination were determined for each characteristic.
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