
    黄土丘陵沟壑区典型流域气候和土地利用变化 对径流泥沙产量的影响

    Effects of climate variation and land use change on runoff-sediment yield in typical watershed of loess hilly-gully region

    • 摘要: 为探讨气候和土地利用变化对流域径流与泥沙产量的影响,了解黄土高原区域水土资源变化规律, 以黄土丘 陵沟壑区罗玉沟流域为研究对象, 采用数理统计、双累积曲线、灰色关联度分析、多年平均水量平衡模型等方法分 析了流域1986—2008 年间降水、径流、泥沙年际变化特征, 并量化分析了气候与土地利用变化对流域径流、泥沙的 影响。结果表明: 1)1986—2008 年间,流域年均降雨量变化趋势不显著(P = 0.22); 流域径流、泥沙呈减少趋势, 减少趋势显著程度分别达到P =0.025 和0.087, 且二者均在1994 年发生减少突变; 2) 除降水外,径流与潜在蒸 散敏感性最强,而输沙量大小与日照时数关系更为密切; 3) 气候变化对径流、泥沙变化的贡献率分别为33.1% 和 32.5%, 土地利用变化贡献率则分别为66.9%和67.5%


      Abstract: In order to explore the impacts of climate variation and land use change on runoff and sediment yield, and to understand the variation pattern of land use and water resources in the Loess Plateau region, the Luoyugou Watershed in loess hilly-gully region was selected as the study object. Mathematical statistics method, double mass curve and grey correlation degree analysis were applied to analyze the variation trends of annual precipitation, annual runoff and annual sediment yield in the period of 1986- 2008. A multi-year average water balance model was used to quantify the respective contribution of climate and land use change to the reduction of runoff and sediment yield. Brief conclusions could be drawn as follows: 1) precipitation in the Luoyugou Basin did not show an obvious tendency (P =0.22), whereas annual runoff and sediment yield showed a downtrend (P =0.025 and P =0.087, respectively) from 1986 to 2008 with an abrupt change identified in 1994. 2) Besides the rainfall, potential evaportranspiration and sunshine hours were main impacting factors on the runoff and sediment reduction, respectively. 3) The contribution rate of climate variation to runoff-sediment change reached 33.1% and 32.5%, respectively, while that of land use change reached 66.9% and 67.5%, respectively.


