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拟南芥lfy 突变体表型及氨基酸序列突变位点分析

王翊, 付建新, 亓帅, 戴思兰

王翊, 付建新, 亓帅, 戴思兰. 拟南芥lfy 突变体表型及氨基酸序列突变位点分析[J]. 北京林业大学学报, 2013, 35(3): 108-115.
引用本文: 王翊, 付建新, 亓帅, 戴思兰. 拟南芥lfy 突变体表型及氨基酸序列突变位点分析[J]. 北京林业大学学报, 2013, 35(3): 108-115.
WANG Yi, FU Jian-xin, QI Shuai, DAI Si-lan.. Investigation of phenotypic and amino acid sequence changes in Arabidopsis lfy mutants.[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2013, 35(3): 108-115.
Citation: WANG Yi, FU Jian-xin, QI Shuai, DAI Si-lan.. Investigation of phenotypic and amino acid sequence changes in Arabidopsis lfy mutants.[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2013, 35(3): 108-115.

拟南芥lfy 突变体表型及氨基酸序列突变位点分析

Investigation of phenotypic and amino acid sequence changes in Arabidopsis lfy mutants.

  • 摘要: LFY(LEAFY)及其同源基因是控制高等植物从营养生长向生殖生长转变的重要基因,对这些基因进行深入研 究具有缩短林木幼龄期和改良花卉花期的实际应用价值。为了深入研究LFY 氨基酸序列变化对其功能的影响,本 研究以lfy2 和lfy5 为材料分析了这2 个突变体表型变异及突变位点的特点。表型观察表明:虽然lfy2 和lfy5 属于 不同的生态型,但是表型变异类似;lfy 突变体花期比野生型推迟14 d,茎生叶和次生枝的数目增多,花器官缺失并 且被同源异型化。序列分析发现:lfy2 的LFY 氨基酸序列中只发生了P236L 位点变异,lfy5 的LFY 氨基酸序列中 发生变异的位点为F42L、V209A 和P236L,其中F42L 和V209A 是非保守位点变异。Q-PCR 结果显示:lfy2 的花序 中TFL1 和FLC 表达上调,FT 和AP2 表达下降,AP1、AP3、AG 几乎没有表达。这些结果表明,由于LFY-C 端结构域 内236 位氨基酸发生突变引起LFY 功能缺失,导致了lfy2 和lfy5 表型变异。
    Abstract: LFY and its homologs are key integrators controlling the vegetative-to-reproductive transition in higher plants. A better understanding of flowering-time genes possesses practical applications for shortening tree juvenility and improving flower bloom period. To examine the effects of amino acid sequence changes of LFY on its function in Arabidopsis, the phenotypic variation and sequence characterization of lfy2 and lfy5 were investigated in this study. The results showed that although lfy2 and lfy5 derived from different ecotypes of Arabidopsis, the phenotypic variations of mutants were similar. The flowering time of lfy mutants was 14 days later than wild-type,the numbers of cauline leaves and lateral shoots were increased, and the floral organs were missing and homeotic. Sequence analysis revealed that the amino acid mutation sites of LFY were P236L in lfy2, and F42L, V209A and P236L in lfy5 with F42L and V209A being at non-conserved sites. Q-PCR analysis showed that the transcript levels of FLC and TFL1 were increased in the inflorescence of lfy, and those of FT and AP2 were decreased, while AP1, AP3 and AG were not expressed. These results suggest that mutation at the site of 236 on LFY-C domain caused the loss of LFY function and was responsible for the mutant phenotype in lfy2 and lfy5.
  • 期刊类型引用(1)

    1. 田中君,肖人源,李巍,沈阳,童水光. 干燥介质旁通及回热对闭式热泵干燥系统除湿率影响的分析. 工业加热. 2019(02): 25-29 . 百度学术


  • 文章访问数:  1495
  • HTML全文浏览量:  163
  • PDF下载量:  69
  • 被引次数: 10
  • 收稿日期:  1899-12-31
  • 修回日期:  1899-12-31
  • 发布日期:  2013-05-29


