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张国君, 张士权, 孙宇涵, 李丽, 辛红河, 袁存权, 李云

张国君, 张士权, 孙宇涵, 李丽, 辛红河, 袁存权, 李云. 刺槐优良无性系饲料特性区域化试验初报[J]. 北京林业大学学报, 2013, 35(5): 8-14.
引用本文: 张国君, 张士权, 孙宇涵, 李丽, 辛红河, 袁存权, 李云. 刺槐优良无性系饲料特性区域化试验初报[J]. 北京林业大学学报, 2013, 35(5): 8-14.
ZHANG Guo-jun, ZHANG Shi-quan, SUN Yu-han, LI Li, XIN Hong-he, YUAN Cun-quan, LI Yun. Regional trial of superior clones for fodder in Robinia pseudoacacia.[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2013, 35(5): 8-14.
Citation: ZHANG Guo-jun, ZHANG Shi-quan, SUN Yu-han, LI Li, XIN Hong-he, YUAN Cun-quan, LI Yun. Regional trial of superior clones for fodder in Robinia pseudoacacia.[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2013, 35(5): 8-14.


Regional trial of superior clones for fodder in Robinia pseudoacacia.

  • 摘要: 为了选育生物量大、营养含量高且适生性好的饲料型刺槐优良无性系,以初选的8 个刺槐优良无性系为试 材,在北京延庆、北京海淀、河南洛宁3 个试验点进行了区域化试验,并应用回归分析法和AMMI 模型等方法对2 年生试验林的生长和叶片营养进行了分析。结果表明:控制生长及叶片营养的不同基因型与环境存在显著的互作 效应,但叶片营养的互作效应可能是由叶片成熟度不同造成的;仅从生长性状考虑,适合海淀、延庆和洛宁的无性 系分别为K2 和84023、H2 和8044、K4 和8048;综合考虑生长性状和营养含量的遗传适应性和稳定性,无性系 83002 和K2 均适合在这3 个试验点用于饲料林栽培。
    Abstract: A regional trial of eight Robinia pseudoacacia clones on three sites (Yanqing and Haidian of Beijing, Luoning of Henan) was assessed in order to select stable superior clones. Data on growth characteristics (height and basal diameter) and leaf nutrition (crude protein and crude fiber) of those two-year-old clones were analyzed by regression model and additive main effects and multiplicative interaction (AMMI) model. The results showed that genotype-environment interaction was significant for growth. The interaction may result in different leaf maturation in the same season at different sites. Based on superior performance in height and basal diameter, clones K2 and 84023, H2 and 8044, K4 and 8048 were suitable to Haidian, Yanqing and Luoning, respectively. In addition, considering the genotypic adaptability and stability in growth characteristics and nutrient content, clones 83002 and K2 are suitable for fodder production on all these three sites.
  • 期刊类型引用(2)

    1. 王田雨,岳文泽,黄波,钟鹏宇. 未来气候变化情景下浙江省陆地生态系统碳汇估算与保护区识别. 地理学报. 2025(01): 183-199 . 百度学术
    2. 刘金勋,卢学鹤,朱求安,袁文平,苑全治,张臻,国庆喜,DEERINGCarol. 陆地生态系统模拟研究中IBIS模型开发应用的回顾和展望. Journal of Resources and Ecology. 2022(01): 2-16 . 百度学术


  • 文章访问数:  1412
  • HTML全文浏览量:  130
  • PDF下载量:  84
  • 被引次数: 10
  • 收稿日期:  1899-12-31
  • 修回日期:  1899-12-31
  • 发布日期:  2013-09-29


