采用样带调查与对比分析方法,研究大兴安岭人工落叶松沼泽林的生态系统碳储量(植被、凋落物及土壤)和 年固碳量沿湿地过渡带环境梯度(0 ~400 m)分布格局,并与相应生境天然湿地对比分析,揭示排水造林对湿地碳 储量及固碳能力的影响规律。结果表明:1)人工沼泽林与天然湿地的植被碳储量(6.49 ~ 59.95 和3.24 ~ 78.97 t/ hm2 )沿过渡带环境梯度均呈递增趋势,排水造林使过渡带100 ~300 m 生境植被碳储量显著提高了43.9% ~240.8% (P 0.05),300 ~ 400 m 生境植被碳储量显著降低了24.1% (P 0.05);2)两者凋落物碳储量(1.61 ~ 4.69 和 1.51 ~4.34 t/ hm2 )沿过渡带环境梯度也呈递增趋势,排水造林使100 ~ 200 m 生境凋落物碳储量显著提高了 84.1%(P 0.05);3)土壤碳储量(163.03 ~308.68 和192.09 ~ 382.91 t/ hm2 )沿过渡带分别呈先高后低且恒定与 递减趋势,排水造林使0 ~300 m 生境土壤碳储量显著降低了19.4% ~43.4% (P 0.05);4)两者生态系统碳储量 (227.68 ~316.78 和275.40 ~387.67 t/ hm2 )分别呈现0 ~ 100 m 高、100 ~ 400 m 低且恒定和0 ~ 300 m 高且恒定、 300 ~400 m 低的不同分布格局,且排水造林使0 ~ 300 m 生境生态系统碳储量显著降低了18.3% ~ 31.2% (P 0.05);5)净初级生产力与年固碳量(3.67 ~10.34、8.03 ~10.77 t/ (hm2·a);1.59 ~ 4.87、3.24 ~ 5.07 t/ (hm2· a))沿过渡带分别呈递增与恒定分布,排水造林使过渡带0 ~ 100 m 生境净初级生产力与年固碳量显著降低了 54.3%和50.9%(P 0.05),100 ~ 400 m 生境净初级生产力与年固碳量有所增加或减少但不显著( -19.3% ~ 18.7%和-20.1% ~17.3%,P 0.05)。因此,排水造林显著降低了沼泽湿地生态系统碳储量,但对其固碳能力影 响相对较弱。
The distribution pattern of ecosystem carbon storage ( vegetation, litter, soil) and net carbon sequestration of wetland larch plantation along the wetland ecotone environmental gradients (0-400 m) were studied by transect measuring and comparison methods in Daxing'an Mountains of northeastern China, further compared with the corresponding habitats of natural wetlands so as to reveal the effects of wetland draining for forestation on its carbon storage and net carbon sequestration. The results showed that: 1)the carbon storage of vegetation from larch plantation and the natural wetland (6.49-59.95, 3.24-78.97 t/ hm2 ) both took on an increasing trend along the ecotone environmental gradients, and draining for forestation made it increase by 43.9%~241.0% at 100-300 m habitats significantly (P 0.05), but decrease by 24.1% at 300-400 m habitat remarkably (P 0.05); 2)the carbon storage of litter from both (1.61-4.69, 1.51-4.34 t/ hm2 ) also took on an increasing trend, and draining for forestation made it increase by 84.1% at the 100-200 m habitat remarkably (P 0.05); 3)the carbon storage of soil (163.03-308.68, 192.09-382.91 t/ hm2 ) was higher at the 0.100 m habitat, lower at 第5 期崔巍等: 排水造林对大兴安岭湿地生态系统碳储量的影响 300-400 m habitat on the wetland larch plantation ecotone and took on a decreasing trend on the natural wetland ecotone respectively, and draining for forestation made it decrease by 19.4%~43.4% significantly at 0.300 m habitats relative to the natural wetland (P 0.05); 4)the carbon storage of ecosystem (227.68-316.78, 275.40-387.67 t/ hm2) was higher at 0.100 m habitat, lower at 100-400 m habitats on the wetland larch plantation ecotone and higher at 0.300 m habitats, lower in 300-400 m habitat on the natural wetland ecotone respectively, and draining for forestation made it decrease by 18.3%-31,0% at the 0.300 m habitats remarkably relative to the natural wetland (P 0.05); 5)the net primary productivity and annual carbon sequestration (3.67-10.34, 8.03-10.77 t/ (hm2·a); 1.59-4.87, 3.24-5.07 t/ (hm2·a)) took on an increasing trend and constant trend along the ecotone environmental gradients respectively, and draining for forestation made both decrease by 54.3% and 50.9% significantly at 0-100 m habitat of the ecotones (P 0.05), but had no remarkable influences at other habitats ( -19.3%~18.7% and -20.1%~17.3%, P 0.05). Therefore draining for forestation lowers the carbon storage of wetland ecosystem remarkably, but has relatively weak effects on carbon sequestration.