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杜乐山, 杨洪晓, 郭晓蕾, 董大颖, 关文彬

杜乐山, 杨洪晓, 郭晓蕾, 董大颖, 关文彬. 黄连木群落种间联结指数-等级格局模型研究[J]. 北京林业大学学报, 2013, 35(5): 37-45.
引用本文: 杜乐山, 杨洪晓, 郭晓蕾, 董大颖, 关文彬. 黄连木群落种间联结指数-等级格局模型研究[J]. 北京林业大学学报, 2013, 35(5): 37-45.
DU Le-shan, YANG Hong-xiao, GUO Xiao-lei, DONG Da-ying, GUAN Wen-bin. Interspecific associations of Pistacia chinensis community and association index'rank pattern model.[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2013, 35(5): 37-45.
Citation: DU Le-shan, YANG Hong-xiao, GUO Xiao-lei, DONG Da-ying, GUAN Wen-bin. Interspecific associations of Pistacia chinensis community and association index'rank pattern model.[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2013, 35(5): 37-45.


Interspecific associations of Pistacia chinensis community and association index'rank pattern model.

  • 摘要: 种间联结能够反映植物群落中物种间的关系和群落的稳定程度,对群落的物种多样性保护和资源可持续利 用具有重要意义。采用总体相关性VR 检验, 字2 检验,联结系数AC,点相关系数PCC 和匹配系数JI、OI、DI 7 个指 标,以崂山黄连木群落为研究对象,在群落尺度上研究群落组成物种的种间联结,在种群尺度上研究黄连木(不分 雌雄)、雌黄连木、雄黄连木与其他物种的种间联结,进而对种间联结指数进行秩相关分析,研究黄连木与群落中其 他物种的相关性以及雌、雄黄连木的差异性。结果表明:黄连木群落总体相关性不强,呈现显著的负联结;黄连木 种群(不分雌雄)与其他物种均表现为负联结,分雌雄时雄性黄连木呈现正联结的比例(72郾7%)明显高于雌株 (27郾3%),且雌株种群高的繁殖代价和觅养行为导致其与固氮植物辽东桤木呈现正联结,与出现频率较高的小米 空木呈现极显著负联结(P 0郾01);黄连木(不分雌雄)、雄性黄连木的秩相关方程均为直线型,雌性黄连木为凹曲 线型,3 个联结指数JI、AC、PCC 秩相关方程的斜率均为负值,且斜率的绝对值为黄连木雌株 黄连木雄株 黄连 木(总体)。首次提出了种间联结指数鄄等级(秩次)格局模型(association index鄄rank pattern model),模型中斜率的 绝对值能够反映物种与群落中其他物种联结的紧密程度,斜率绝对值越大说明物种间的联结变动越大。这为深入 研究种间联结关系提供了新的模型手段,确立的分析方法为雌雄异株植物的种间联结研究提出了新的思路。
    Abstract: Interspecific association, which reflects the interspecific relationships and community stability,is an important index in the conservation of biodiversity and the sustainable utilization of plant community. Seven indicators, including over all correlation test VR, 字2 statistics test, coupling coefficient AC, point correlation coefficient PCC and matching coefficients of JI, OI, DI, were calculated to indicate the interspecific association of Pistacia chinensis community. At the community level, we analyzed the interspecific association of species and at the population level, we analyzed the association between male and female P. chinensis, male or female P. chinensis and the other species. We also use Spearman's rank correlation models to calculate the relevance between P. chinensis and the other species and find the differences between female and male P. chinensis. The results were shown in the followings: The whole relevance of P. chinensis community was not strong with significantly negative correlation. Significantly negative correlation was found between P. chinensis population and the other species. The positive correlation between male P. chinensis and the other species(72.7%)was higher than that between female P. chinensis and the other species(27.3%). The positive correlation between female P. chinensis and the nitrogen fixation Alnus sibirica and the significantly negative correlation between female P. chinensis and Stephanandra incise with high frequency in the community might be due to the breeding cost and the foraging behaviors. The rank correlation equations of male and female P. chinensis and male P. chinensis were all linear, while that of female P. chinensis was concave curve. The slope of rank correlation equation of three joint index JI, AC and PCC was negative. The absolute value of the slope ranked in the order of female male the whole of female and male P. chinensis. The association index'rank pattern model was first used in the paper, where the absolute value of the slope could reflect the level of tightness between the central species and the others in the community. When the absolute value of the line gradient was larger, the stage of interspecific association was more unstable. This provides a new model to further reveal the interspecific association and a novel idea to analyze the interspecific association of the dioecious plants.
  • 期刊类型引用(9)

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    2. 张孟仁,苏晓迪,张学献,叶先亮. 黄连木群落的生物多样性与天然更新. 森林与环境学报. 2020(06): 597-604 . 百度学术
    3. 宋协海,郭欢欢,刘勇,贺国鑫,薛敦孟,李成. 黄连木容器苗生长对缓释肥的响应. 南京林业大学学报(自然科学版). 2018(03): 117-122 . 百度学术
    4. 马丰丰,潘高,李锡泉,韩云娟. 桂西南喀斯特山地木本植物群落种间关系及CCA排序. 北京林业大学学报. 2017(06): 32-44 . 本站查看
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    6. 谢春平,赵浩彦. 城市近郊构树群落主要种群种间联结及物种多样性研究. 中南林业科技大学学报. 2017(07): 85-91 . 百度学术
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    8. 柳新伟,杨洪晓,张艳,刘君. 学生自主性实践教学模式探索——以生态学专业为例. 西部素质教育. 2016(01): 7+9 . 百度学术
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  • 被引次数: 12
  • 收稿日期:  1899-12-31
  • 修回日期:  1899-12-31
  • 发布日期:  2013-09-29


