2011 年4 月至2012 年4 月,采用固定样带法对北京静福寺侧柏古树林区的侧柏古树林、针阔混交林和落叶 阔叶林3 种林型进行鸟类群落调查。共记录到鸟类65 种,隶属8 目27 科,留鸟28 种,夏候鸟23 种,冬候鸟5 种, 旅鸟9 种,国家域级重点保护鸟类4 种;鸟类区系组成以古北界种类为主,共44 种(占67.69%),东洋界鸟类9 种 (占13.85%),广布种12 种(占18.46%);优势种为大山雀、喜鹊、灰喜鹊、大嘴乌鸦和红嘴蓝鹊。调查结果显示:3 种林型鸟类种类、数量与多样性指数变化不一致,其中侧柏古树林的鸟类种类和数量最少,落叶阔叶林鸟类种类和 数量最多;而侧柏古树林多样性指数、均匀度指数最低,但优势度指数最大;落叶阔叶林的鸟类多样性指数最高,针 阔混交林的均匀度指数最高。调查结果反映出侧柏古树林鸟类分布最均匀,鸟类优势现象最明显。不同林型鸟类 食物功能团组成不一致,其中侧柏古树林鸟类包括4 种食物功能团,针阔混交林鸟类包括5 种食物功能团,落叶阔 叶林包括6 种食物功能团,反映出鸟类对不同林型生境的适应性。
During the period from April 2011 to April 2012, the bird community was surveyed at the Jingfu Temple in Beijing with fixed strip method for arborvitae ancient forest, deciduous broadleaved forest and mixed broad-conifer forest. A total of 65 species of birds, belonging to 8 orders and 27 families, were recorded, among which there were 28 species of permanent residents, 23 summer breeders, 5 winter visitors and 9 travelers, and 4 Class -protected wildlife of China; the avifauna was mainly composed of paratactic birds of 44 species (accounted for 67.69%), 9 oriental (accounted for 13.85%) and 12 widespread species(accounted for 18.46%). The dominant species were great tit (Parus major), black- billed magpie ( Pica pica ), aure-winged magpie ( Cyanopica cyana ), large-billed crow ( Covus macrorhynchosw), and red-billed blue magpie ( Urocissa erythrorhyncha ). According to the survey results, the species, quantity, diversity index of birds had different changes, the species and quantity were the smallest, the diversity index and evenness index were the lowest, the dominance index was the highest in arborvitae ancient forest; the species and quantity were the largest, the diversity index was the highest in deciduous broadleaved forest; while the evenness index was the highest in mixed broad-conifer forest, reflecting the most uniform distribution and the most obvious advantage phenomenon of birds in arborvitae ancient forest. The bird functional food group had different composition in different forest types, 4 functional food groups in arborvitae ancient forest of the birds, 5 functional food groups in mixed broad-conifer forest, 6 functional food groups in deciduous broadleaved forest, reflecting the adaptability of different forest habitat for birds.broad-conifer forest, 6 functional food groups in deciduous broadleaved forest, reflecting the adaptability of different forest habitat for birds.