以浙江省舟山岛10 块松材线虫病伐除迹地上自然恢复而成的次生马尾松林群落为研究对象,使用窗式诱捕 器,调查样地内的昆虫群落结构与功能群,分析寄生性昆虫与松材线虫病及环境因子之间的关系。结果表明:膜翅 目(17 科47 种1178 只)、鞘翅目(24 科41 种520 只)和双翅目(18 科32 种616 只)昆虫是样地内的优势类群;相对 于其他针叶林群落,松材线虫病伐除迹地内寄生性昆虫类群占昆虫总数比例明显偏大;随着针叶树种比例的减小, 样地内寄生性昆虫数量呈增多的趋势(5 针5 阔3 针7 阔1 针9 阔),且与当年危害程度(1 针9 阔3 针7 阔 5 针5 阔)成反比。这说明在管理针阔混交林时应增加阔叶树种的比例以增加寄生性昆虫的数量从而抵御松材线 虫的入侵。此外,冗余分析结果表明,土壤含水量是影响寄生性昆虫在松材线虫病伐除迹地内分布最主要的环境 因子。
This research presented the relationship among parasitic insects, pine wilt disease and environmental factors in 10 Masson pine forestland sample plots, which were natural recovery secondary communities and damaged by pine wilt disease in Zhoushan Island,Zhejiang Province of eastern China. The structure of insect communities and functional groups were investigated through application of window traps. Results indicated that the dominant insect populations in sample plots were Hymenoptera (17 families,47 species,1 178 individuals), Coleoptra (24 families, 41 species,520 individuals) and Diptera (18 families,32 species,616 individuals). The proportion of parasitic insect groups in cut slash affected by pine wilt disease was apparently larger than that of other conifer forest types. With the decrease of conifer forests爷proportion, the number of parasitic insects increased (5 conifer 5 broadleaf 3 conifer 7 broadleaf 1 conifer 9 broadleaf). Meanwhile, the damage degree performed reserved trend (1 conifer 9 broadleaf 3 conifer 7 broadleaf 5 conifer 5 broadleaf ), indicating that in order to enhance the resistance of forestlands to pine wood nematodes爷invasion, the ratio of broadleaf need to be increased so as to increase the proportion of parasitic insects. Furthermore, the redundancy analysis (RDA) showed that soil moisture was the major environmental factor affecting the distribution of parasitic insect groups in cut slash affected by pine wilt disease.