白桦BpMADS3 基因的功能分析
Functional characterization of BpMADS3 gene from Betula platyphylla.
摘要: 利用RT鄄PCR 技术,揭示了BpMADS3 基因在白桦不同组织中的差异表达模式:BpMADS3 基因仅在花器官中 强烈表达,在茎、叶组织中不表达。采用染色体步移法克隆BpMADS3 基因上游启动子,获得1 426 bp 长度启动子序 列,构建BpMADS3 基因启动子驱动GUS 基因植物表达载体,在拟南芥转基因植株中GUS 染色表明,GUS 活性集中 在萼片和心皮中。在拟南芥ap1 突变体中过量表达BpMADS3 基因,能恢复拟南芥ap1 突变体花器官的正常发育。 BpMADS3 基因转化烟草发现,转基因植株出现早花表型,且转基因烟草植株中相关开花基因表达水平均上调。Abstract: In this study, we performed RT-PCR to compare expression level of BpMADS3 gene in different tissues of Betula platyphylla. The results showed that BpMADS3 was strongly expressed in inflorescences but not stem and leaves. A 1 426 bp sequence upstream of BpMADS3 gene was cloned from the genomic DNA of B. platyphylla by PCR based on the genome walking method. Transgenic Arabidopsis lines containing a BpMADS3 promoter: GUS construct were obtained, which only exhibited strong GUS staining in sepal and carpel. Overexpressed BpMADS3 in Arabidopsis ap1 mutant, the results showed the phenotype of ap1 was recovered. Ectopic expression of BpMADS3 significantly enhanced the flowering of transgenic tobacco, and the expression level of some flowering-related genes was significantly up-regulated in transgenic tobacco compared with the wild-type