活性变化规律及其影响因素,以鄱阳湖滩地土壤为研究对象,在2011 年的2、5、9 和11 月分别采集0 ~ 10 cm 的土
壤样本,对土壤性质和与有机碳转换相关的3 种水解酶和2 种氧化还原酶的活性进行测定,并分析了土壤性质参
数与酶活性的相关性。结果表明,不同月份的土壤pH 值、有机碳和氮含量的差异不显著,但土壤酶活性变化有显
著差异。纤维二糖酶和茁鄄糖苷酶活性在9 月份达到最大值;而酚氧化酶活性在2 月份最高,9 月最低;过氧化物酶
活性则在11 月最高;己丁质酶活性未表现出显著差异。相关分析表明,土壤水分含量与酚氧化酶和过氧化物酶活
In order to elucidate the change of soil enzyme activity and its influencing factors, we collected soil
samples from 0 to 10 cm depth in February, May, September and November 2011 in lakeside wetland,
Poyang Lake of eastern China, and measured the soil properties and soil enzyme activities related to
organic carbon transformation, meanwhile the relationships between soil enzyme activities and soil
properties were examined. The results showed that the changes of soil pH, the concentrations of organic
carbon and total nitrogen were not significant through different months in a year. However, the changing
trends of soil enzyme activities were significantly different. The activities of cellobiase and-glucosidase
demonstrated a distinct maximum in September; but the highest activity of phenoloxidase appeared in
February, and the lowest was in September; the highest peroxidase activity was in November; whereas
there was no significant difference for chitinase activity. Correlation analysis showed that the soil water
content was negatively related to the activities of phenoloxidase and peroxidase; the soil surface
temperature was positive related to cellobiose activity and negative related to peroxidase activity. Thevariation of different soil enzyme activity is strongly related to the change of soil water content, and the
impact of soil organic carbon and nitrogen on soil enzyme activity is generally weak in lakeside wetlands.
contents of soil organic carbon and total nitrogen showed a significant negative correlation with-
glucosidase, and highly significant positive correlation with peroxidase. Our results suggest that the