使用自来水、二级再生水、三级再生水3 种水质灌溉果岭草坪,每月表施草炭与石膏混合物、湿润剂、沙子3
种基质,结果表明:淋溶水的pH 未呈显著性变化(P 0.05);金属离子(Cu2 + 、Fe2 + 、Zn2 + )含量只发生小幅变化,差
异不显著(P 0.05);表施草炭与石膏混合物下二级再生水浇灌后,淋溶水电导率(EC)为5.83 mS/ cm,比自来水、
三级再生水浇灌下淋溶水EC 分别显著高4.07、3.32 mS/ cm,且表施湿润剂和沙子下二级再生水浇灌后淋溶水EC
也显著高于自来水、三级再生水浇灌的EC(P 0.05);二级再生水灌溉处理下淋溶水中的Na+ 、总氮、总磷含量同
样有显著性变化(P 0.05)。结果还表明:三级再生水可以长时间灌溉果岭草坪,不会对地表水造成污染;而二级
The mixture of gypsum and peat, wetting agent and sand were applied every month in green
turfgrass, which was irrigated with tap water, secondary recycled water and tertiary recycled at the same
time. The results showed that the pH and metalion (Cu2 + , Fe2 + , Zn2 + ) content of leachate were not
changed significantly (P 0.05). After applying the mixture of gypsum and peat and irrigating with
secondary recycled water, the EC of leachate was 5.83 mS/ cm, which was significantly 4.07, 3.32 mS/
cm higher than irrigating with tap water and tertiary recycled water (P 0.05) respectively. The similar
result was showed when wetting agent and sand were used as matrix. The concentration of Na+ , total
nitrogen and total phosphorus was also changed significantly while irrigating with secondary recycled water
(P 0.05). It also showed that the surface water would not be polluted by irrigating with tertiary
recycled water in green turfgrass for long time, however, a potential influence could happen to surface
water using secondary recycled water. So the secondary recycled water should be treated further to reduce
the hazards