Correlation research on the break strength, expansion protein activity and abscission layer growth of bud in wintersweet.
摘要: 为明确蜡梅花蕾脱落过程中脱落力、扩张蛋白活性以及离层发育的关系,同时研究保鲜剂对蜡梅切花的影 响,采用查狄伦测力计以及蛋白体外重组法对瓶插蜡梅花梗脱落力和蛋白活性进行研究,同时采用石蜡切片法对 瓶插蜡梅中蕾期花梗离层的形成进行观察。结果表明:1)脱落力与落蕾量呈负相关,当脱落力小于2郾0 N 时落蕾 量显著增加;2)在瓶插前期,扩张蛋白活性稳定在相对较低的水平,到了后期活性迅速增强,此时脱落力显著下降, 离区细胞严重解体并导致离区断裂;3)和对照相比,3 种保鲜剂组合对蜡梅切花无显著影响。脱落力、扩张蛋白活 性与离层发育关系密切,脱落力可以作为蜡梅花蕾脱落过程中离层发育阶段的划分依据,扩张蛋白主要在蜡梅花 蕾离层发育后期起作用;3 种保鲜剂组合对蜡梅切花作用不明显。Abstract: To better understand the relationship among break strength, expansion protein activity and abscission layer growth of wintersweet during the bud abscission period, and to study the influence of preservatives on wintersweet cut, break strength and expansion protein activity had been studied by dynamometer and protein recombinant in vitro respectively. Meanwhile, abscission layer formation had been observed based on paraffin section. Results showed that there was a negative correlation between break strength and the number of bud abscission. The amount of bud drop increased significantly while the break strength was less than 2.0 N. Expansion protein activity remained in lower level in earlier stage of vase-holding. In later stage, the activity increased rapidly and the break strength decreased significantly. Serious cell disintegration in the abscission zone resulted in fracture of abscission zone at the same time. Compared with CK, three preservatives had no significant differences on cut. Break strength and expansion protein activity were closely related to the abscission layer growth, and the former could be seen as the basis of division for the abscission layer growth, the latter played an important role mainly in the later stage of abscission layer growth. Three preservatives had no significant effects on wintersweet cut.