标准样地40 块,采用Canoco 4.5 软件对标准地内病情指数、寄主平均胸径、寄主平均树高、林分类型、混交度、草本
Our research focused on Arceuthobium sichuanense and its host in Xianmi forest region, Qinghai of
northwestern China, and transect survey method was chosen to investigate the typical sub-compartment.
By analyzing the disease incidence, it was found that the hazard of A. sichuanense in the sub-compartment gradually increased from foot to the top of hill. Then all crown-third DMR(dwarf mistletoe
rating)distribution of the host was counted in transect, it was figured out that A. sichuanense preferred to
distribute from lower to the upper crown of the host. Forty standard samples were set in Xianmi forest
region, taking DMI(dwarf mistletoe idex), mean DBH, mean height, stand type, mingle index, herb
cover, moss depth as response variables, taking canopy density, slope, elevation as environmental
factors. It was ascertained that crown density, slope, slope position, elevation and stand type were main
factors which had an effect on the outbreak of A. sichuanense by using RDA analysis, in which the canopy
density had a significantly negative correlation with the incidence of dwarf mistletoe; the slope and
elevation had a significantly positive correlation with the incidence of dwarf mistletoe; the stand
composition had an effect on the occurrence of dwarf mistletoe, and the dwarf mistletoe was less harmfulin the higher mingling forest.