Flame retardant performance of oriented strand board treated with boric acid-borax and polymeric betaine by cone calorimeter.
摘要: 以速生杨木为原料、酚醛树脂为胶黏剂、硼酸鄄硼砂为阻燃剂、十二烷基二甲基甜菜碱为助剂,制备杨木定向 刨花板(OSB);并利用锥形量热仪研究硼酸鄄硼砂添加量为12%时,十二烷基二甲基甜菜碱的添加量(0.6%、1.2% 和1.8%)对OSB 阻燃性能的协效作用。结果表明:1)十二烷基二甲基甜菜碱添加量为1.2% 时与硼酸鄄硼砂的协 效作用最好,OSB 阻燃性能最优,该OSB 与空白试件相比,引燃时间延长,残余物质质量分数提高,平均释热速率、 释热总量、平均质量损失率、发烟总量和平均比消光面积等均有不同程度降低,其中抑烟效果最为显著,同时具有 促进成炭的作用。2)硼酸鄄硼砂与十二烷基二甲基甜菜碱之间存在显著的协效阻燃作用,能够有效改善OSB 的阻 燃性能。Abstract: The main objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of polymeric betaine (PB) on the fire retardant performance of oriented strand board(OSB) treated with 12% of boric acid-borax (1∶1). The panels were produced with phenol formaldehyde resin. The fire retardant performance of OSB was studied by cone calorimeter. The flammability parameters, including average heat releasing rate (av-HRR), total heat release (THR), average mass loss rate (MLR), total smoke release (TSP) and average specific extinction area ( av-SEA) were recorded simultaneously. The results showed that most combustion parameters of OSB decreased by the treatment. Especially for the OSB treated with PB and boric acid- borax, the av-SEA and TSP decreased dramatically ,which indicated a synergistic effect between PB and boric-acid-borax in OSB. Meanwhile, the formation of charcoal was promoted with the presence of PB.