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  • 中文核心期刊
  • 中国科技核心期刊
  • F5000顶尖学术来源期刊
  • RCCSE中国核心学术期刊


廖春晖, 张厚江, 王喜平, 黎冬青, 祖汉松, 张文博

廖春晖, 张厚江, 王喜平, 黎冬青, 祖汉松, 张文博. 明十三陵裕陵修缮工程中的木构件无损检测[J]. 北京林业大学学报, 2014, 36(1): 132-137.
引用本文: 廖春晖, 张厚江, 王喜平, 黎冬青, 祖汉松, 张文博. 明十三陵裕陵修缮工程中的木构件无损检测[J]. 北京林业大学学报, 2014, 36(1): 132-137.
LIAO Chun-hui, ZHANG Hou-jiang, WANG Xi-ping, LI Dong-qing, ZU Han-song, ZHANG Wen-bo. Nondestructive assessment of wood structural members at Yu Tomb of the Ming Dynasty, Beijing.[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2014, 36(1): 132-137.
Citation: LIAO Chun-hui, ZHANG Hou-jiang, WANG Xi-ping, LI Dong-qing, ZU Han-song, ZHANG Wen-bo. Nondestructive assessment of wood structural members at Yu Tomb of the Ming Dynasty, Beijing.[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2014, 36(1): 132-137.


Nondestructive assessment of wood structural members at Yu Tomb of the Ming Dynasty, Beijing.

  • 摘要: 北京明十三陵裕陵地面上的建筑损害严重,残留建筑的木结构承重构件(梁、柱)需要逐一排查、鉴定,以最大 程度地留用原有的木构件。本文对这些木构件进行了检测、评估。根据实际情况,方城明楼等建筑的木结构被拆 下落地后检测,三座门、神木等木结构构件在原结构上(未拆卸)检测。首先对木构件进行树种鉴定,然后利用外观 分等,再用应力波和微钻阻力检测等无损检测方法对梁、柱承重类木构件(共62 根)缺陷(内、外)进行检测。结果 表明:几乎所有承重木构件都存在不同程度的腐朽、裂纹等缺陷,其中大部分承重木构件(41 根)存在大范围缺陷, 已不可再用;少部分承重木构件(21 根)存在可修补的缺陷,修补后可再用。本次检测成果,为工程设计、施工方提 供了具体、可靠的木构件缺陷状况资料,为裕陵修缮工作提供了可靠的技术支持
    Abstract: Yu Tomb of the Ming Dynasty in Beijing is the tomb of Zhu Qizhen, who was the 6th emperor in Ming Dynasty. Yu Tomb was built up in 1464, and did not get any maintenance from 1911. After 100 years, some constructions on the ground have gone, and residual constructions, such as Ming Lou, were damaged severely. With the financial support from Beijing government, the constructions on the ground of Yu Tomb begun to reconstruct from 2011. Wood members of beam and column of the residual constructions need to inspect and evaluate one by one, in order to reuse these wood members as more as possible. Authors took responsibility of the nondestructive testing and evaluations of wood members. Wood members on the Ming Lou were taken down first, then inspected and evaluated, and wood members on the Three Gates and Holy Beam were inspected and evaluated on the structures. Species of the wood members were identified first, and then defects of 62 beam and columns were inspected and evaluated with visual inspection, stress wave and resistograph. It was found that all wood members had defects of decay or crack, in which 41 wood members got serious defects, which could not be repaired; and 21 wood members got minor defects, which could be repaired and reused. The results of inspection and evaluation gave architects and construction engineers a big help with quantitative data of defects.
  • 期刊类型引用(19)

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  • 发布日期:  2014-01-29


