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8 个种源油松生长和光合生理指标的比较研究

高琼, 王维有, 梁冬, 李悦

高琼, 王维有, 梁冬, 李悦. 8 个种源油松生长和光合生理指标的比较研究[J]. 北京林业大学学报, 2014, 36(2): 87-93.
引用本文: 高琼, 王维有, 梁冬, 李悦. 8 个种源油松生长和光合生理指标的比较研究[J]. 北京林业大学学报, 2014, 36(2): 87-93.
GAO Qiong, WANG Wei-you, LIANG Dong, LI Yue.. Comparison of growth traits and photosynthetic physiology in Pinus tabuliformis from eight provenances of China.[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2014, 36(2): 87-93.
Citation: GAO Qiong, WANG Wei-you, LIANG Dong, LI Yue.. Comparison of growth traits and photosynthetic physiology in Pinus tabuliformis from eight provenances of China.[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2014, 36(2): 87-93.

8 个种源油松生长和光合生理指标的比较研究

Comparison of growth traits and photosynthetic physiology in Pinus tabuliformis from eight provenances of China.

  • 摘要: 以河北平泉、青海互助、北京松山、山西灵空山、陕西宁陕、内蒙古宁城、内蒙古呼市土默特、河南卢氏等8 个 种源的油松幼苗为研究对象,通过Li-6400 便携式光合仪测定其光合生理指标,并结合生长性状进行综合分析,旨 在为油松优良品种的筛选提供依据。结果表明: 1)净光合速率(Pn )、气孔导度(Gs )日变化均呈双峰曲线型,午 休冶现象明显,但第一次出现峰值时间不同; 2)不同种源的光合生理指标表现出较明显的地带差异性,其变异规律 是经度偏东的北京、河北种源一般比偏西的陕西种源Pn高;3)8 个种源油松种间苗期的生长及光合生理等指标差 异极显著; 4)结合对生长性状的分析发现,具有较高Pn的种源有较大的苗冠高和地径;5)光合指标表现出经度、纬 度和海拔三维方向的连续变异模式,而生长性状指标仅表现出经、纬两向的连续变异模式。综合比较后发现,北京 松山种源油松对立地环境具有较强的适应能力和生长潜力,不仅具有较高的光合速率和生长量,而且能在干旱环 境下最经济地利用水分,具有较高的推广应用价值。
    Abstract: To carry out a synthetic analysis between photosynthetic characteristics and growth traits, the physiological indexes of Pinus tabuliformis had been measured from 8 provenances, including Pingquan County of Hebei Province, Huzhu County of Qinghai Province, Songshan Mountain of Beijing City, Lingkongshan of Shanxi Province, Ningshan County of Shaanxi Province, Ningcheng County and Tumed County of Inner Mongolia, and Lushi County of Henan Province. The results indicated that: 1) the diurnal changes of net photosynthetic rate (Pn) and stomatal conductance (Gs) presented a double-peak curve pattern resembling the noon depression冶phenomenon, and they had different peak time for the first time; 2) the photosynthetic physiology of trees from different provenances showed a regional difference, indicating that the pines from eastern China had higher average Pn than the western relatives; 3) the growth traits and photosynthetic physiology indexes of eight provenances of P. tabuliformis were significantly different; 4) combined with variance analysis on growth traits, we founded that provenance of higher Pn was closely related to larger crown height and ground diameter; 5) photosynthetic indicators demonstrated a continuous variation of three-dimensional model which included longitude, latitude, and elevation. However, growth indicators only showed a two-dimensional model including longitude and latitude. Comprehensive comparison shows that P. tabuliformis of Beijing Songshan Mountain provenanceis more adaptable to local environment, and it has higher Pn and utilizes water more efficiently in desert environment, showing higher popularization and application value.
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  • 发布日期:  2014-03-30


