Effects of furfurylation on the#br# physical,mechanical and mold proof performance of bamboo.
摘要: 为研究糠醇改性竹材的可行性及催化剂的催化效果,分别以马来酸酐和自主研发的复配有机酸为催化剂,通 过真空加压浸渍工艺对竹材进行糠醇树脂改性处理,并对改性后竹材的物理、力学及防霉性能进行测试。结果表 明:1)改性后竹材的增重率分别达到31.03%和25.41%;2)除尺寸稳定性外,改性竹材的大部分性能都有明显改 善,即平衡含水率降低约49%,抗弯强度、弹性模量和顺纹抗压强度均有较大幅度提高,但抗压弹性模量变化不显 著;3)马来酸酐为催化剂的糠醇树脂改性竹材的力学性能改善程度优于复配有机酸;4)改性后竹材对霉菌的防治 效力达100%;5)糠醇改性对竹材尺寸稳定性有显著的负面影响;6)复配有机酸的催化效果可以与马来酸酐相 媲美。Abstract: In this paper, Moso bamboo was treated with furfuryl alcohols catalyzed by two different catalysts by vaculm and pressure impregnation routine. The purpose of this work was to investigate whether Moso bamboo was suitable for this treatment and to evaluate the effects of composite organic acid catalyst. Weight percent gain ( WPG ), equilibrium moisture content, dimensional stability, mechanical performance and mold-proof properties were determined. The results were as follows: 1) WPG of furfurylated bamboo catalyzed by maleic anhydride and composite organic acid catalyst was on average 31.03% and 25.41%, respectively. 2) Equilibrium moisture content decreased almost by 49%. Bending modulus, bending strength and compression strength were also improved remarkably, while the modulus of compression was little affected by the treatment. 3 ) The mechanical performance of furfurylated bamboo catalyzed by maleic anhydride was better than that catalyzed by composite organic acid. 4) The mold proof performance of the furfurylated bamboo was significantly improved with preservation ratio reaching 100%. 5) It was found that the dimensional stability of the treated samples decreased substantially. 6) The performance of the newly developed composite organic acid catalyst is almost as well as that of maleic anhydride.