Analysis of occupational hazards in gardeners爷cutting#br# irrigation posture.
摘要: 为研究园林工人割灌作业姿势与园林工人职业病和职业危害的关系,通过Tetrax 平衡测试系统对割灌作业 中操作者的跌倒指数进行测试。结果表明:操作者在割灌作业中人体平衡受到了影响,其中割草作业和视觉障碍 时修枝作业的跌倒指数均为中级,可能导致跌倒事故。在割灌作业操作中,躯干肌用力不匀、竖脊肌过度疲劳是园 林工人腰背疾患职业损伤的主要原因。Abstract: Gardeners爷cutting irrigation posture is the main cause of their occupational diseases and hazards. Falling indexes of the operators conducting cutting irrigation were tested by the balance testing system of Tetrax. The experimental data indicated that body balance of the operators conducting cutting irrigation can be influenced. Falling indexes of pruning work during mowing operations and visual impairment were middle-level, which may lead to falling accidents. Cutting irrigation posture was analyzed by the surface electromyography technology. It is concluded that uneven force of trunk muscle and overwork of erector spinae are the main features of gardeners'trunk muscle activities, as well as the main cause of gardeners'back injuries.
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