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  • RCCSE中国核心学术期刊


刘金福, 何中声, 洪伟, 郑世群, 王兆杰

刘金福, 何中声, 洪伟, 郑世群, 王兆杰. 濒危植物格氏栲保护生态学研究进展[J]. 北京林业大学学报, 2011, 33(5): 136-143.
引用本文: 刘金福, 何中声, 洪伟, 郑世群, 王兆杰. 濒危植物格氏栲保护生态学研究进展[J]. 北京林业大学学报, 2011, 33(5): 136-143.
LIU Jin-fu, HE Zhong-sheng, HONG Wei, ZHENG Shi-qun, WANG Zhao-jie. Conservation ecology of endangered plant Castanopsis kawakamii[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2011, 33(5): 136-143.
Citation: LIU Jin-fu, HE Zhong-sheng, HONG Wei, ZHENG Shi-qun, WANG Zhao-jie. Conservation ecology of endangered plant Castanopsis kawakamii[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2011, 33(5): 136-143.


Conservation ecology of endangered plant Castanopsis kawakamii

  • 摘要: 对珍稀濒危植物格氏栲生物学特性、群落组成与结构、生态系统特征、遗传多样性、森林培育、病虫害防治及生态旅游评价等研究进行综述,福建三明格氏栲天然林是介于中亚热带与南亚热带的一种常绿阔叶林过渡类型,物种多样性较高,群落结构复杂。格氏栲种群过熟、物种竞争和人为干扰等均对格氏栲种群数量动态的周期性波动产生影响,主要表现在格氏栲林已处于衰退之中,中龄种群个体较少,格氏栲野外种子萌发困难与幼苗生长缓慢。格氏栲林缘有米槠、木荷和马尾松自然演替趋势,需对格氏栲幼苗与幼树保护,促进格氏栲种群更新,维持格氏栲种群年龄结构的稳定性。此外,格氏栲天然林的碳库储量、养分库储量、土壤呼吸速率、凋落物量和土壤微生物总量均高于格氏栲人工林,天然林具有良好的自我培肥功能,有效维持土壤肥力,可见应加强保护格氏栲天然林资源,促进格氏栲天然林实现可持续经营。同时,对今后格氏栲研究方向进行了展望。
    Abstract: The biological characteristic,community composition and structure,ecosystem characteristic,genetic diversity,forest cultivation,disease and pest control and ecotourism assessment of rare and endangered plant, Castanopsis kawakamii,were reviewed in this study.With high species diversity and complex community structure,C.kawakamii natural forest in Sanming city of Fujian province was a transitional type between central and southern subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forests.The overmature population,species competition and human disturbance all could affect the dynamic periodic fluctuations of C.kawakamii populations.Therefore,C.kawakamii forest was already in a decline stage,with few individuals in middle age,difficult germination of seeds in field and poor growth of C.kawakamii seedlings.Due to the natural succession trend of C.kawakamii populations by Castanopsis carlesii,Schima superba and Pinus massoniana in C.kawakamii forest edge,it should further strengthen the protection of C.kawakamii seedlings and young trees to promote its population regeneration and maintain the stability of the population age structure.In addition,the carbon pool storage,nutrient pool storage,soil respiration rate,litter fall storage and soil total microorganism biomass of C.kawakamii natural forest were higher than those of the forest plantation.C.kawakamii natural forest had good self-fertility ability,which could effectively maintain the soil fertility.Moreover,the protection of C.kawakamii natural forest resource should be strengthened and promoted to realize its sustainable management.Finally,the advance research direction of C.kawakamii biological conservation was presented.
  • 期刊类型引用(11)

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  • 被引次数: 21
  • 收稿日期:  1899-12-31
  • 修回日期:  1899-12-31
  • 发布日期:  2011-09-29


