Minimum area of the community spatial structure of broadleaf-Korean pine forest in Shengshan Mountain, northeastern China.
摘要: 本文依据2012年黑龙江省胜山阔叶红松林10.4 hm2大型样地全面实测数据,基于移动窗口法、GIS技术分析其乔木层生物量空间格局的尺度效应,探究其群落空间结构研究的最小面积,并用计算机模拟随机抽样进一步验证。结果表明:1)通过对10~90 m各个尺度下的样地生物量误差空间分布栅格图的分析,胜山阔叶红松林乔木层生物量空间结构存在着最小研究面积0.49 hm2,不仅具有与样地相同的生物量密度,还能够完整地体现出胜山阔叶红松林生物量的空间变异性,准确地反映其群落结构的真实特征,这为更加精确地估算阔叶红松林生物量提供了理论依据;2)通过计算机模拟随机抽样验证了用移动窗口法所确定的最小面积是准确的,限定在该最小面积(0.49 hm2)范围之内的随机取样,仅使用7个20 m×20 m的样方就能够有95.9%的概率把估测的误差范围控制在20%以内,这对于阔叶红松林森林生物量调查样地大小的设置,具有很好的指导作用;3)提出把本文中的最小面积作为衡量森林群落空间结构复杂程度的一个指标,最小面积的大小代表了空间变异的范围,最小面积越大则说明了空间异质性越高。Abstract: According to the fully observed data of 10.4 ha (400 m×260 m) large permanent plot of broadleaf-Korean pine forest established in Shengshan Nature Reserve, Heilongjiang Province in 2012, the moving window method and GIS were used to research the scale effect of spatial pattern of tree biomass and the minimum area of community spatial structure, and then computer simulation of the random sampling was used for verification. The results showed that there existed a minimum area of 0.49 ha in community structure of broadleaf-Korean pine forest in Shengshan Nature Reserve, and this area not only had the same biomass density as the entire plot, but also could reflect the spatial variability of biomass of the broadleaf-Korean pine forest in Shengshan. It accurately reflected the characteristics of community structure, providing a theoretical basis for more accurate estimation of biomass of the broadleaf-Korean pine forest. The minimum area determined by the moving window method was verified by the computer simulation of random sampling. For the sampling in the entire plot, only seven 20 m×20 m quadrats were needed to get the result with relative error less than 20% at 95.9% probability, and sampling in the minimum area also had the same effect. It is a good guidance for the investigation of the plot size of forest biomass in broadleaf-Korean pine forest. Based on the above research, we put forward the minimum area as an index to measure the complex degree of spatial structure of forest community. The minimum size of the forest community represents the range of spatial variability, i.e., the larger the minimum area is, the higher the spatial heterogeneityis.
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